Jun turned from the window to Aiba standing by the door. He gave a distracted nod as his men carried his bags out of the room. Aiba took a few steps and stopped beside the bed, observing Jun's profile. He had went back to staring out the window; his mind elsewhere. Worry started to seep in again. He's never seen Jun be this out of it. He understands that with everything that's happened- Ohno's condition is still unclear and things with Mao seemed to have taken a turn for the worst- it was enough to break a man... But not Jun; his will stronger than anyone he knows. He's held on for all these years. But this time... This time...
Was it finally just too much...?
“Don't you think you should stay for a few more days?”Aiba asked, noting the paleness of his skin and the shadows under his eyes. It looked like it was taking everything in him just to stand there.
Jun turned to him once more and cast him a reassuring smile. The effort alone looked like it was going to take him down.
“I think I'll be able to rest better at home.”
He went towards Aiba and clapped a hand to his shoulder as he walked past. Aiba stared at his back for a while before following him out.
“How is Mao?”
“At the orphanage preparing a program for the kids.” There was a pause. “She knows you're going home today. Something she definitely isn't happy about. She thinks it's still too soon.”
“I wish she can tell me that herself.”
It's been days since he last saw her. He knows she visits late at night as Aiba had told him. He had tried waiting for her, just to see her. God knows how much he wanted to. But his condition just wouldn't allow him to. And every morning, the minute he opens his eyes, that strong desire to see her sleeping next to him was always there. And every morning he was met with disappointment. But knowing she was staying by his side every night...
Though it still wasn't enough...
At least now he's going home...
She was one of the motivations why he wanted to be out of the hospital as soon as possible. And the other thing was... He'd arrived at some thoughts... Thoughts he couldn't be so rash with... Thoughts that could change everything... And he needed a place where he can think...
Before he makes a decision...
The hospital clearly isn't a place that helps with such a situation... He needed to be sure. He needed to be able to stand by his decision. Not because there are factors that drove him to it. But that ultimately it came from himself. That it will be what he really wanted. And he'll never look back again.
The two remained silent as they walked towards the exit doors.
“Make sure she's well-guarded. Yamashita's on her detail, right?” Jun said after a while. As much as he would like to go to her and see for himself, he knew he wouldn't want to put a damper on her time with her kids.
Though he knows there was nothing to worry about. For now. His ge's wrath seemed to have put their world on a standstill. No one will even dare make a move; they'll have to answer to him. The situation with Wu Zun had literally thrown him back in the midst of all these. It's as if escape for people like them really was just a fantasy. It could never exist for them.
Jun didn't notice the way Aiba shifted his eyes.
“I have Nagasaki on her this time around. We needed Yamashita for a different run.” He wasn't going to ever let Jun know Mao had gone missing the night they were ambushed. And on Yamashita's time. How Jun and Ohno ever put their trust on the guy he will never know.
He will never trust him again when it comes to Mao...
But he doesn't have to concern Jun with any of this. At least for now. If he does screw up again, he won't think twice and will chuck the guy out. Jun and Ohno will just have to take his word for it. But he had a feeling that Mao will have something to say about that... Remembering how she tried to speak for him the night at the hospital...
Jun gave a frown.
“I don't want there to be any problems.” Jun's voice cut through his train of thought. As usual he's always a little wary when it comes to the guards around Mao. And this sudden change in her detail doesn't sit right with him.
“Don't worry,”Aiba offered, hastening to steer the conversation onto a different topic. “When are you and Ge meeting up?”
“He's inviting us over to their villa soon. No date yet,” Jun answered, unaware of Aiba's sudden discomfort from the previous topic. “He and Jie are feeling guilty about all of this. They know Wu Zun's just trying to get to them. They shouldn't be burdened with this... We have a lot to talk about...”
Aiba gave him a sideways glance. His tone in that last sentence seemed to suggest something of a different matter. The automatic doors opened and they stepped out, stopping in front to wait for the car to arrive.
“Aiba...” Jun started.
“Just take all the time you need.” Aiba then gave a light chuckle. “Did you honestly think I'd let you dive into work after all this? I know you want to take a break, Jun. And you deserve one. I've got this.”
Jun didn't know what to say at first; a grateful look in his eyes. He could never hide things from a friend.
A brother.
“I know this is-”
“Come on,”Aiba stopped him, looking a bit amused. His expression then turned solemn. “Don't think too much about it. You know I've always got your back.”
He definitely knows that. Jun gave a smile as the car rolled to a stop in front of them.
And maybe it's time to return the favor.
Once and for all.
Zun was about to pick up his morning coffee when his guards'sudden movements caught his attention. His hand froze in midair as his eyes fell on her. In just seconds, the look of surprise on his face was instantly covered up with one of nonchalance. As if her sudden appearance in front of him, in a hotel in Bangkok, is something insignificant. Unimportant. And is not stirring all these conflicting emotions right now.
“Let her through.”
Yuan didn't so much as look at the guards as she brushed past them. Her attention focused on the man she thought could still be saved. The man she thought is still family. But the shadow of that man she had known for so long could not be seen anymore... Replaced by this cold and cruel stranger who seemed to be relishing the reason that brought her here...
She sat down across from him, her face set.
“You've gone too far this time, Zun.”
She looked like she had just gotten off the plane and had come straight to see him. His eyes took all of her in. Her hair was in a tangled wavy mess; he always preferred this look on her. Showing a bit of the wild and carefree side that had always captivated him. His eyes trailed towards her collarbone. Thanks to the low-cut top underneath her blazer, he was treated to the sight of her porcelain skin; flawless as always.
He knew the reason why she showed up in front of him, seemingly alone. Knew what consequences are waiting for his actions. Knew she was going to remind him of just that, all the while controlling the urge to give him what he deserves. He could see it in her eyes, burning of disappointment and an anger he has never seen.
Even with all that hanging over them right now, he still couldn't take his eyes off her and couldn't stop the thoughts going through his head right now. She wasn't supposed to be in front of him, making him feel all of these things all over again. He wasn't mentally prepared for this and it scared him just how much he really wanted her back; he missed her and if he could just turn back time... Back to their time...
Maybe because they were here; far from everything. A different time... A different place... Maybe he just wants to forget all of it... If only someone can give him that...
“Would you like something to drink first?” He said lazily, trying to keep up the pretense that she didn't throw him off, showing up here like this.
“Do not try me,”she replied curtly.
“Did Matsumoto actually die, Yuan?” He couldn't help saying her name. It's been a while he's had it on his lips. “The bastard's still alive. If anyone's got the right to be angry, it's me.”
Her eyes flashed dangerously. He wouldn't be surprised if she just stood up and slapped him across the face. Maybe a part of him wanted her to do it... Just so he can see if he was still human... She apparently is having second thoughts too.
She took in a deep calming breath. “You had no reason- no valid reason whatsoever- to attack Jun and his men. Just take your anger out on us. Don't pull others into this- this warped sense of revenge. Just take it out on us. This is just between us.”
He regarded her for a second before saying, “You are well-aware what Matsumoto did to my men, aren't you?”
“That's bullshit and you know it.”
“All my men dead at his hands. I had to do something about it.”
“Just stop. Stop acting like a child for god's sake!” She almost shouted, her composure slipping a bit. “You do not toy with people like that just because you didn't get what you want! When are you going to stop this madness? And do not even think about trying to pull that innocent act on me again.”
She was glaring at him as he sat there, expressionless.
“It will end when it stops hurting,” he then said.
“Why can't you just let it go?” Yuan asked quietly after a pause.
His bitter laugh said it all.
“You have to move on, Zun. We all have to move on from this. It's slowly killing us all...”
“A happy ending for all of us, don't you think?” He tried to keep his voice steady as the look of helplessness flashed in her eyes.
“Is that what you want? Is that the only way for this to stop?” She seemed eerily calm all of a sudden.
His eyes snapped up to her.
“This will never stop. Because no amount of pain I cause you two can even compare to what you've done to me. I will do everything I can to see you suffer. I will drag every person I can into this misery to see you in pain. But it will never be enough. As long as you're with him, as long as you go home to him, I will never ever stop.”
If Yuan was shocked to hear those words, she kept it to herself. Instead she asked in a quiet voice, “Why don't we find out if that's true?”
Zun didn't expect that kind of an answer. Before he knew it, Yuan had stood up and went to his side, deftly snatching up the knife beside his plate. He saw his guards getting ready to grab her back and he told them to stay put. She suddenly grabbed his hand, placing the knife in it. He stared eyes wide as her hands over his positioned the knife on her stomach.
“What the hell are you doing?” He demanded, trying to pull his hand away but she held it steady.
“Maybe if I don't exist in this world anymore, your pain will stop. Maybe that's the only way you can ever be free of this. Maybe-”
“Are you mad?” he barked.
They struggled for a bit; his heart pounding, for fear of hurting her. Even just a little. He didn't want to see that. Now that it's right in front of him, he knew deep down he never wants to see anything happen to her. The knife fell to the floor. He quickly stood up, stopping Yuan from reaching down for it.
“Do not do that again!” he said, his hold on her arm tightened; losing his cool once again.
“Isn't that exactly what you want? Then why won't you do it!”
He was looking down at her, teeth gritted; breathing heavily as he tried to think of a way to salvage whatever damage his outburst and concern for her had caused.
“Because you can't. That's why. Because whatever front you've put up, I know the Zun I know is still inside. So stop this. Or else you'll regret it...”
“Is that a threat?”
“An advice. From family.”
Yuan pulled free from his grasp gently, their eyes still locked. She then turned around and picked up her purse. She turned her head to him once more.
“The next time you do anything, Takeshi won't take it sitting down anymore.”
Her gaze stayed on him for a while more, hoping she's gotten through to him somehow. But she couldn't tell... Is there still hope for him? She turned to go without another word. Leaving Zun slightly seething at the turn of events. She brushed past the cafe's manager, unsure as to whether he should risk going ahead and asking if everything is okay. But the other guests were treated to a shock and he needed to let them see that there really was nothing to worry about now. Zun indicated his guards to take care of it as he dropped back down on his seat. His eyes going to her once again as she turned the corner and was gone.
Let it go...
How many times have that thought crossed his mind? But everytime it does, her face follows and he couldn't bring himself to admit that she's with his brother now... That they're going to lead their lives with just the two of them... He's always been aware of the connection they had... Without a doubt, it was stronger than anything between them... He knew that... And it's what's killing him... It's what's eating away at him... That he's always been and would always be the outsider... He can't accept that. That his brother had always had the one person he wants.. The one person he loves more than anything...
He's always had that thought; he and Yuan can never be. Not when he has an idea of what his Ge feels for her... But even so, his feelings for her were just growing deeper and deeper...
But it happened... The moment she became his... He thought he'd die from the sheer happiness of having her.. All of her... Just to himself. No one had any idea just how much it meant to him... He was content... Feeling like his own man for the first time in his life... Nothing could break him...
Until... He closed his fist in reflex as he tried to stop the memory. But the pain he couldn't do anything about; like a knife twisting his heart. And he's never felt anything but that in all these years... Maybe he could let her go if he never had her... Maybe he could learn to live with the thought of the two of them if she never made him feel that it could be them until the very end... Maybe... Maybe...
He can never really know...
One thing is certain; he can never let this go... Try as he might... More so when they've come to all this... There was no turning back for him... No turning back from the person he's become... It was easier for him this way... Easier for him to hate himself too... It was in those moments of hate that he forgets about his reality...
And in a sense, not letting go means he's sure that she won't ever forget him... Won't ever forget what happened to them... What they had... It's the only way for them to remain with her... He wants her to forever remember...
Even if her anger, her hate towards him spills over... Then at least... Then maybe... Her hate for him can at least compare to her love for their Ge...
It's the only way he can stay with her...
The only way...
The ringing of his phone brought him back to the hotel. He picked up, still trying to compose himself; feeling almost suffocated by all the emotions pouring in. He listened to the man on the other end.
“I know we can't touch Matsumoto right now, but with Inoue Mao it's a different matter. Watch her closely. Report back to me as soon as you find something we can use.”
He hung up, jaw tightening at the words Yuan had left for him. His brother won't be so forgiving the next time...
But it's the only way...
Jun heard the soda can tumbling down the vending machine and bent down to retrieve it. He'd been walking around in a different part of town, one he's never ever been to, trying to make sense of all the thoughts crammed into his head. He didn't feel like staying in an empty house while Mao was at the orphanage and had decided to go for a drive alone. Aiba wasn't too keen on the idea, but he had insisted. He'll be back soon. A bit of fresh air and some alone time will be good for him. He'd parked his car somewhere and continued on foot when he arrived in these parts. The atmosphere was just what he needed. Quiet and calm; far from the world he's so used to. He's seen mostly families and old folks going about their daily routine. It gave him a sense of normalcy and decided to explore more.
He straightened up and started to move, opening the soda can. A small restaurant could be seen ahead; his feet carrying him in that direction. He walked past the almost empty shop, taking a sip, eyes falling on a little girl sketching on one of the tables laid out ouside. His steps slowed down as he lowered his hand, a small smile on his lips. He was hopeless but the little girl with her crayons and doodles surrounding her reminded him so much of Mao. She had once been that tiny, giving life to her imaginary world on paper.
He looked around, wondering where her parent or parents are. Coming to the conclusion that they probably are the owners. The little girl continued working on her crayons, not even looking up when he stopped in front of the table. He was trying to make out what she was drawing when a voice came from behind.
“Okay, Mio, I got your favorite milk shake drink. Now, can we go home and...
Jun who had turned around stared at the person who appeared equally shocked. His mind started racing and then something clicked. His brows slowly knitting together as he opened his mouth to speak.
Nino looked like all life had drained from him. His hands holding the drinks fell limply to his side.
“W-What...” Jun didn't know what to make of this.
He watched as Nino wordlessly headed towards the little girl- his daughter- and scooped her up in his arms. She made the smallest sound in protest; she was still drawing. He was about to take a step back when his eyes fell on her drawing.
“How did you find me?” he then demanded, quickly gathering Mio's things together. “I don't want any trouble. If you're trying to stir something up-”
Jun held his hands up, trying to reason with him.
“This is purely coincidental. No one's trying anything. I don't even- You're alive,” he finished almost in awe. He was finding it hard to gather himself. This was one discovery he probably wouldn't get over from.
Nino's hands stopped and he took a calming breath. His arms automatically tightening around Mio. He knew from his shocked expression that fate was just trying to show them it had a sense of humor. His instincts to keep his guard up just kicking in. Nevertheless, he was still wary and his eyes started searching for an exit, if it will come down to it. But it looks like one of his past has just innocently caught up to him once again.
Matsumoto didn't look like a threat. A thought he didn't think would ever cross his mind.
“I want to keep things as they are.”
Jun understood what he was trying to say.
“Let's forget this ever happened.” Nino never wanted to see him again. He's got way too much baggage. It will not bode well for any of them. “Please.”
Jun heard the earnest plea in his voice; his fear crystal clear. His eyes fell on his daughter once more. If anyone were to ever found out...
He's got everything to lose.
“You have my word,” Jun reassured.
Nino looked at him for a while more. Can he be trusted? Is his family safe? But he knew Jun's character. He was just another simple man unable to escape his fate. He understands this...
He does.
“Thank you.”
He could breathe a little easily now. He looked to Mio and then back to Jun again. Giving a slight nod before turning to go.
“Wait, you can't expect to go just like that.” Jun's head seemed to be buzzing with all the questions.
“Forgive me if I'm still a little shaken up at this. I'm not really ready to bond or anything. This should be as far as we go. The less you know the-”
“I need to know.”
Nino's eyes snapped to him. As the initial shock in seeing Matsumoto in front of him has subsided, it was only now he'd noticed that he truly looked like hell. Suddenly remembering the ambush Pi had told him about.
One of the most feared mob leader in Japan was now standing in front of him, looking broken, a little scared, and... somewhat hopeful perhaps as he waited to hear his answer.
It was against his better judgment. It was risky to let him into their lives, even for just a moment. But...
He looked like he truly wanted to hear how his story went.
As if he was holding on to dear life...
Something that alarmed him; suddenly getting a bad feeling about all of this...
“Kaneshiro Takeshi?”
His ge? His ge was the one who helped him get a new life...?
Nino gave a nod, leaning against his chair. Still unable to believe he was having a conversation with Matsumoto Jun in his home. Or rather his restaurant. A noise from the back told him that most of his staff were coming in for the day, ready to open shop. Jun still looked as shocked as ever, a cup of tea in front of him.
“I knew he was the only one that can help. I never thought he'd grant me an audience but... You can imagine why he's such a legend in our midst. He was the only one I know I can trust with a secret. Which is saying something. Our groups never really saw eye to eye.” Nino picked up his tea and took a sip.
Jun was still left speechless. All these new information was just too much to process for now.
“That was a bit risky. If his men were seen around your house...”
“He never used any of his men. The only ones who knew about the plan were him, myself and the person who helped us out that night."
“Someone I've never seen before in my life,” Nino continued, knowing Jun's next question. “I just know I won't be looking over my shoulder anymore.”
It was weird talking about that night those years ago now. Pi and Yoko may know that he'd faked his and Mio's deaths but he never did divulge who helped him carry it out. And it's a good thing they respected him enough not to ask for any further details. With Matsumoto though... he just volunteered the information. He knew that's what he wants; to hear every single aspect...
If his hunch was right...
He had seen the turmoil and longing in him the moment he stepped in here as he looked around. He was reminded of himself and Natsuko then, just wishing life would be so much simpler. Normal. With just their family all together, it was more than enough. Taking him here could be pushing him in the same direction he'd gone... But somehow, he knew he's already started on his own...
His thoughts went to Pi. What would he think of all this? But knowing where Matsumoto is coming from, it was out of his hands. If his choices can enlighten a man to make one of his own now... Who was he to deny him that? Understanding all too well the feeling of being trapped...
“You've made it,” he simply said to him. Sounding as if it was still too good to be true.
Nino gave a small smile.
“How were you able to make that decision?”
Nino's eyes went to Mio's crayons placed on top of the other table. “I've always known what's most important to me... I just wish I did something about it sooner.”
He turned back to his cup, staring at it almost sadly.
“To this day, I regret it. Regret it with every fiber of my being. But sometimes, you just have to move on and hope that not everything is too late. And if you're lucky, you get to keep it that way.”
Nino's eyes went to him. “Think of what you really want. It will be worth it.”
The banging coming from the kitchen shook them out of the solemness of the conversation. Jun then slowly made to stand up, taking it as a sign for him to go. He won't impose himself any further. He then held out a hand.
“Thank you.”
The two shook hands; Nino nodding in understanding. He watched as he turned around, looking calmer than before. As if he'd reached a certain understanding with himself. His eyes followed him as he slowly made his way to the doors. There was no need for another reminder of just how important it is that this stays between them. No need to reiterate the gravity of the situation. He knew he was a man of his words.
And he hoped he finds whatever answers he was searching for.
Tae Yang called out from the kitchen about the new batch of deliveries and he gave a distracted answer, telling him he'll be right there. He went pass the table carrying Mio's crayons and drawings. He stopped for a second, staring at them. Reaching over, he then picked up one of the drawings she'd been working so diligently on.
“You really miss her, huh, Mio?” he murmured at the familiar face on paper.
He thought of Pi again. He'd placed himself in a conflicting situation, being supportive of Matsumoto. Having a vague sense of what he was asking from him and actually indirectly telling him to go for what his heart wants. Though he clearly knows it will cause a problem for Pi, he just couldn't sit back and let the man suffer, when he knows what he was going through.
Maybe he had let empathy get the better of him. Because as much as he feels for the man, how can he compromise Pi's chance at happiness...? All his life he's imprisoned himself in his own hate and now that he's found someone... Found her... He's never seen him care about a person this much. He is serious about her. So serious that he was afraid he'd be more reckless and impulsive than he was now. But he was finally investing in something that's not going to further cripple him inside.
How can he let all that just go to nothing?
He placed Mio's drawing back on the table and gave a frustrated sigh. Feeling helpless at this sudden dilemma. Tae Yang was calling for him again. He moved towards the kitchen. It was a given that he'd be telling Pi of this little encounter, contemplating whether or not he should omit certain details to make it seem less of a mess... But somehow he doubts there's anything to be done about it...
He just hopes Pi doesn't do anything rash because of it...
Jun stepped into the kitchen just in time to see Mao yelp, forgetting that the pot was still hot to the touch. He gave a smile as she rubbed her fingers on her earlobe. She suddenly turned around, reaching for the bowl on the countertop when her eyes fell on him.
“You're home.”
He'd forgotten she used to greet him like that. Though her tone lacked the usual sweetness that comes with those words, he didn't hear disappointment.
You're home...
It somehow warmed him up inside. His day further taking a turn for the better.
“You're feeling well?”
He gave a nod.
“You're sure?”
“I can't stay in that room anymore.”
The side of her lips lifted in understanding. “Was wondering when you'll be coming home. I re-heated the soup for you. Thought you could have some this morning. I asked them to take care of it for me while I was at the orphanage. But it seems like you went out for a drive.”
Jun stopped beside the counter, unaware she had taken the effort. She wasn't there to accompany him out of the hospital but she's clearly had him in mind... He was supposed to feel ecstatic about it... But... knowing full well she had made it clear nothing will ever happen beyond this... He knew she still cared... Mao wouldn't be Mao if she didn't... But he sees clearly now...
It's different...
Much different...
“I didn't know or I would have stayed before going out.”
Mao shook her head. There was something different about him but she didn't know how to put it exactly. “Looks like the drive was the better choice.”
Their gazes locked for a moment. Mao immediately looked away.
“You most probably haven't had a proper meal yet. You need your dinner.” She took a bowl and turned back towards the stove.
Jun pulled a stool out and took a seat. She knows him too well. He had been more preoccupied with the day's events and had wandered around for the rest of the day. It wasn't till the sky grew dark that he realized it was time to go back. Seconds later, a steaming bowl of chicken soup was placed in front of him. It wasn't until then he realized he was hungry. She then proceeded to take a rice bowl and he poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher.
“What made you decide to cook again today?”
She set the rice bowl at his side. The tofu steak was next.
“Well, you need some decent food. None of that take-out crap Aiba has been giving you the past week.”
Jun found himself smiling as she gave an exasperated one at the thought of Aiba. He appreciated the way she had tied her hair up in a messy bun on top of her head; some of her hair falling softly framing her face. His gaze lingered for a while, appreciating the freshness of her face, void of any make-up. It was what any man would want. What he imagined their life would be outside of this world. She cooking dinner for him after a day's work and he coming home warmed up with thoughts of the hours she spent just for him.
Somehow the flow of conversation and the atmosphere turned a bit more cozy than usual. As if everything that's happened in between never existed... Mao must have noticed it too as she fell self-conscious. His intent gaze added more to that.
“And it helps in distracting me from... things,”she finished. Jun didn't notice the way her eyes flicked towards the windows. She placed two more dishes in front of him and picked up a towelette, wiping her hands with it.
Jun assumed she was referring to the recent events and looked down. She then started taking off her apron, telling him to eat up. He should take care of his body better right now. She seemed ready to go.
“You aren't joining me?” he then asked.
Mao's hand paused. “Well, I... I do have some things to do for-”
“You still need to eat.”
Her hands slowly dropped, eyes flicking once more to the windows. Jun watched as she sat from across him moments later, putting down her rice bowl. His eyes automatically give a sideways glance. She'd normally pull up the stool beside him in the past...
“How are the kids these days? I heard from Aiba you're doing a program?” He eased back into conversation, wanting to keep things as they were. It's been a while they are able to come to such a comfortable pace...
“Yeah, we're doing “A Meeting at the Zoo”. The kids are all into their animal characters.”
He'd missed the way she'd light up when she talks about her kids. A lingering smile was on his lips. The memory of Ninomiya's daughter suddenly coming back to him. His smile widened as Mao talked more about what they were doing.
“Well, maybe I'd have the privilege of watching this program. Sounds entertaining,” Jun chanced.
Mao tilted her head a bit. “My kids would never deny an audience.”
Jun gave a light chuckle. He doesn't doubt that.
“How about you? How was your drive?” She gave a tentative smile.
Jun's eyes went to her. She gave a small frown. Something about the way he was looking at her... It's as if there was something he couldn't wait to share with her... She wondered what it is... What happened to him out there? It's as if it changed something in him... And somehow she liked seeing this change...
“It was just what I needed.”
“Where did you go?”
“It's a bit of a drive from here. But it's worth the effort. If you want, I can take you there next time.”
Mao gave a bemused smile. From the way he talks, he makes it sound like it's some sort of magical place. When she pointed this out to him, he gave a smile.
“You can say that.”
Mao looked a bit bewildered. “Are you sure you're okay?”
“I got some beans to prove it. Though I don't know if they really have magic in them.” He jerked his thumb towards the kitchen door.
And only then did Mao see the overwhelming bags of beansprouts almost covering the entire floor leading to the kitchen. Her mouth dropped and she looked to Jun, clearly wanting to know what it was all about. Jun was chuckling at the expression on her face.
“I came across this obaasan selling a cartload. I asked her if she was okay. She looked like she didn't feel too well but she said she couldn't go home without at least selling a few. So I just bought everything. She looked like she really needed to take a rest.”
Mao's mouth was still slightly agape. Her eyes went to the beansprouts and back to Jun again. She then let out a laugh, her shoulders shaking. The image of Jun trying to cart beansprouts back to his sleek sedan was just too much. Jun looked taken aback for a second. He never thought he'd see her laugh this whole-heartedly in front of him again. And it was infectious. Unable to help joining in.
The kitchen seemed so familiar again.
With everything that's happened, he never would have thought he could feel this way in this kitchen ever again.
Maybe that place really had magic.
A noise from the door broke the moment. One of his men, apologizing for the sudden intrusion, was trying not to step on the beansprouts and lost a bit of his balance as he entered the room. He was carrying two large take-out bags. A second guard followed him in, carrying similar large bags. And Mao's expression suddenly changed. Jun, unaware of her reaction, was asking what was with the take-outs.
“I already texted Aiba not to have anymore take-outs tonight,” Mao explained, carefully averting her eyes as the two guards placed the bags on the countertop.
“He probably wants these for midnight snacks,” Jun guessed, peeking in the bags.
“Yeah...,” Mao said, noncommittally.
She couldn't help it and raised her eyes towards him. Their gazes met. Pi's eyes swept from her to Jun, to the dinner setting in front of them and then back to her once more. A third guard suddenly came in with a big bucket of fried chicken.
“Huh,”was all Jun could say.
The three bowed their heads and started to file out the room. Pi catching her gaze again as they moved. She couldn't seem to make herself look away. It's been days since she last saw him. Aiba was never going to make him go back to her detail, she was sure of it. But maybe it's for the best... After the incident at Ninomiya's... She didn't know what to do... What to think...
He was still just a stranger...
But try as she might not to admit it...
He was one she couldn't help look for...
“What do you think will happen when we tell him the fried chickens' gone missing?” Jun wondered out loud, pointing to the bucket.
Mao seemed to compose herself. The guards had all left the room with Pi taking a last glance at her before disappearing. The bemused smile was back on her lips.
“What's gotten into you today?”
She wasn't saying it was bad, but Jun seemed more loose right now. As if a big burden has just been lifted off him. She didn't not like it. But she was curious as to how it happened. Jun opened his mouth and then closed it. As if suddenly deciding it wasn't the right time to reveal anything.
Jun knew it wasn't the right time. With Ohno's condition still unclear, with Aiba still helping him handle things, he can't tell her of his plans just yet... Until he was absolutely sure, until everything is exactly in order... He didn't want to take chances in dashing any hope that might come from his decision.
He'll find the right moment to tell her.
And when he does, he prayed that everything will be just like he hoped for... Until that day comes... They still have the kinds of moments right now to live for... And maybe these moments will come much easier now...
Just like today...
“Don't worry. I'll take you there soon and you'll know,” was all he said. Just thinking of the possibilities... he couldn't help but feel like things were going to be okay...
Mao seemed a bit weirded out at his attempt on being all mysterious. They both looked at each other. In just a blink, something has changed. Both was somehow feeling in awe at what's happening right then and there.
They'll get there...
He'll take them there...