Jun looked up from his laptop. He could hear the noises coming from outside. It sounded like Mao; shouting for something. A door banging and then it was quiet again. Ohno came into the study moments later.
“What was that all about?” he asked, a curious frown between his brow. It’s been a while since he last heard her voice like that. She was usually quiet and reserved now, wanting to be away from people. She was never herself anymore in the house. Which he had sorely missed. But it held so much painful memories for her; consuming whatever life she could bring…
Hearing her voice resounding through the house again, it brought him mixed emotions. He felt joy, relief, sadness, and a slight hurt. Joy that she had for one moment come out of her shell; that he heard that slight excitement in her voice again… Relief that she was trying to pull out of whatever darkness she locks herself in… But the sad reality that he isn’t a part of whatever was making her happy sliced through him… He didn’t even know what it could be… He wasn’t the one that can give her that anymore… She wasn’t allowing him to…
The pain that gripped his heart…
“She says she’s having breakfast outside.” Ohno had run into her. She was hurriedly putting on a jacket and gave him the message, then quickly went over to the car. She had slid in before giving Yamashita a small smile. He closed the door, loosening his tie a bit as he went over the passenger side. The car had peeled off the driveway, followed by another.
He had stood there for a while. The smile Mao gave Yamashita… He had shaken it off, making his way inside. He must be thinking too much into it. Although she’s never smiled at any of the guards before. She’s never really smiled at anyone…
He took out his cellphone and asked Yamashita to get back to him on where they are headed.
“Is she that excited to be having breakfast alone?” Jun asked no one in particular. The mild bitterness present in his voice. They weren’t able to have their usual breakfast again this morning. He silently cursed his business meetings.
Ohno decided to keep his earlier observations to himself as he watched Jun. He can’t add more to his grief this early in the morning. Or ever. It could be just nothing… He made a mental note to check on Yamashita and get a report from him. It’s been a while since he found time to do that.
“What’s she been up to lately? Seems like her mood’s a bit lighter the past days…” Jun was frowning at his laptop screen in thought.
“The kids are probably working their magic. I heard she’s got them two pets.”
“Really?” He felt that slight twinge in his heart again. She would always tell him the stories before… Now, he gets reports from Ohno about what’s going on with her.
He was half-listening to Ohno informing him their schedule for the day; drawing up a schedule of his own to change the way things were going lately. He’s been spending too much time away… Something needs to be done about that…
“바보.” (Babo.)
The giggles erupted from them as Mao tried to make the correct pronunciation. Hye sipped her coffee while Mao continued making the sounds. They were sitting on the grass in the park, shaded under a large tree. Both women had their legs stretched out, a pack of churros between them.
Her ringing cellphone had roused her from her sleep that morning. It was Hye, calling to make a breakfast date. In half an hour. She had sprung up, running around like a headless chicken, trying to get ready in two minutes. She called Yamashita up to get the car ready immediately, washed up, changed her clothes, and lastly jammed a fedora on top of her serious bedhead. Thundering down the stairs, she had shouted at the guards standing guard below if the car was already out there. They weren’t really used to her shouting that they stared for a while then scrambled to get the door for her. She had met Ohno on the way out. Thankfully he didn’t have the chance to ask anything. But he probably already knows where they were.
Hye had been waiting for her on the grass. She apologized profusely for being late. Hye waved it away with her hand. She was the one who needed to apologize for making such a last minute date with her. She was already here when she called her, thinking she should be the one waiting for her this time since she wasn’t able to make it to their lunch. Mao had sat down beside her with a smile. Hye said there was still a huge mess at the bar and she couldn’t leave it. Though she was able to find time for a little breakfast today. Unfortunately, she can’t stay too long.
Their conversations came with ease. Both women just taking to each other. Talking about anything under the sun. Mao tried to avoid talking about her past or her life though. She left Hye to do the talking, wanting to know how she came here. She didn’t know how it is they ended up having Korean lessons as they enjoyed their churros. From the ever popular curse words, the I love you, and other random stuff. They were laughing too much, earning a few scandalized stares from the morning joggers, the obaasans and the ojiisans.
“죽을래?” (Jugulle?)
Mao pretended to say it seriously to the jogger whom they’ve noticed kept coming back around, eyeing them with suggestive looks. Hye stifled her laughter in case the nearby obaasan was going to shoot her a fierce glare again.
“What’s with the suits?” Hye then asked, a curious smile on her lips.
Mao’s eyes went to them. She told them to stay away from view. Not exactly ready to tell Hye…
“Are you a politician’s daughter or something?”
Or something… Mao gave a slight grimace. Hye noticed her hesitation, deciding she should change the topic; she wasn’t ready to tell her anything just yet. Her eyes then fell on Pi. She’s been noticing something for the last five minutes.
“Why is he always glancing back with that look?” Hye mumbled almost to herself, the churros halfway from her mouth.
“Maybe he’s afraid Obaasan over there might suddenly come at us wielding a samurai or something.”
Hye masked a snort at the image. Mao’s eyes were on him now. He stood a little distance away, his back turned to them, watching guard. She was unaware that Hye was still looking too, as if mystified about something.
“How do you say ‘turtle’ in Korean?”
That made Hye forget about Pi for a second. Looking amused at the weird question. Where did that come from? “Turtle? It’s거북이 (Kabugi).”
“거북이.” Mao repeated, grinning. Her eyes still on him.
Hye didn’t miss that. What was up? The soft smile on her face piqued her interest. Wondering what could be behind it. There was a hint of sadness there too… For Pi?
“Something special about turtles?” Hye casually asked, biting on the churros.
“Hm?” Mao tore her gaze from him. Hye was looking at her curiously. She chuckled, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Nothing really, I…”
She looked at Hye. She had someone to talk to now, hasn’t she? There really was no one else she can turn to… She needed to air her thoughts out… Because she honestly didn’t know what she was doing… The way she was drawn to him… It was alarming… But he was trying so hard to mask the wounds…
She felt she needed to help him…
Wanted to help him…
She just wanted to see at least one of them have a chance to get their life back…
But he doesn’t want her help…
Should she just leave him alone then? Should she just listen to that voice that tells her not to get too close? The effect after the moviehouse was slowly fading; more rational thoughts were surfacing. She was rushing into this…
Hasn’t she been down this road before? And in the end she got burned… She was heading towards the unknown… She didn’t really know him… Didn’t know if he can be trusted…
And yet…
“What do you think about Yamashita?” She then asked. Hye might help her clear her mind.
“Him?” Hye said thoughtfully when Mao pointed to him. Her eyes slightly narrowed as Pi tried hard not to look back again. “Very handsome guy.”
Mao’s lips quirked. She does know that’s the first thing everyone notices. Observing it from the salesgirl in the pet shop, the ladies at the mall, even one or two of the obaasans had suddenly appeared beside him. He seemed oblivious about it all though, frowning politely at them as they grinned up appreciatively at him.
“I think they noticed too.” Mao indicated to the obaasans as she chuckled. He was moving to the side, thinking the obaasans wanted the spot. “But he is beyond irritating.”
Hye almost choked in laughter at how serious she looked. Pi was really giving her the full blast of his charms.
“Really? With that face of his?” Hye tried to keep a straight face.
“I never really noticed. I just thought he is one weird guy. Still thinks he is.” Mao gave a little amused smirk. “But moreover, there’s a coldness to him…”
Hye’s eyes snapped to her. The concern behind her eyes and voice… She was softening at her even more. She doubts even Pi can come under her gaze unaffected… He’s not as strong as he thinks he is… So the way he was looking over here explains it all…
“I’m sorry I’m telling you all this but I just have to let it out,” Mao lowered her head sheepishly. She was glad Hye wasn’t actually weirded out at her for being affected by one of her guards. Not really what one would expect.
But just having someone who will just listen.... She was really thankful for that. The weight of those thoughts lifting at some point.
Hye gave her an encouraging smile. “I’m here.”
“I just don’t get him,” Mao continued, as she got over the embarrassment. The frustrations needed to go. And once she started, she can’t seem to stop. “It’s like it’s his life’s mission to just irritate the hell out of me. And his mood swings! One day he’s all cheeky and irritatingly friendly and the next he just bites my head off like I offended him or something. It’s a vicious cycle, really. I don’t ever know how I should approach him.”
“It makes you just want to stomp on him, right?” Hye offered as Mao gave a firm nod. She knew the feeling. But it’s more like she’s frustrated at the way he looks at life… And at the fact she knows she can’t make his views change…
Not because she can’t take this schizo Pi that Mao seems to be getting to know… He is definitely different around her… Probably because he doesn’t know how to deal with Mao’s gentleness towards him…
Could she…? Hye continued to listen to her.
“And then here’s another side to him.” The sigh escaped Mao’s lips. “He helped me the other day. I don’t really know why… Though he can’t imagine just how grateful I truly feel. I try to show that but somehow it’s making him more determined to get away…”
She missed the sadness in Hye’s eyes, her eyes going to his back again. Hye quickly recovered herself.
“I know there’s a reason behind that anger. He feels like he’s alright just the way he is… Unwilling to take off his mask and face the truth…” But she couldn’t forget the vulnerability she glimpses behind his eyes... The world had been unkind to him… ”I want to help him. And I can’t get it out of my head… You must think I’m crazy, huh? You still have a chance to get out.”
Hye gave a kind chuckle as Mao gave a small smile. “What are you talking about? I think it’s great you want to return the favour… But, hope you don’t mind me asking, why are you feeling so strongly about this?”
Why…? Because she understands that trapped feeling that comes with the darkness… She’s still there… Unable to find a way out of it… And he was the same… Whether he admits it or not, he wants that way out as well… She doesn’t know what happened to him… What he saw in his past… But she wanted to know… So she could slowly help him…
Her situation, no matter how she looks at it… She wasn’t going anywhere… Jun will never let her go…
But he can give himself another chance…
If he can find his way out…
Maybe someday she can too…
“I don’t know… I think I know what he could be going through...” She smiled sadly. The image of him at the orphanage standing under the tree came back to her. “But maybe I’m just fooling myself to think I can even do anything…”
Should she even be doing anything?
She looked to him again. Hye followed her gaze.
A phone suddenly rang. They both jumped at that, the subdued moment gone. Hye gave an apologetic look and checked inside her bag.
“Shoot. I should be going back.” Hye said, looking really disappointed, dropping the call.
Mao started to get up, brushing away the crumbs from her clothes. “I’ve been rambling on and on. I’m sorry-“
“Don’t worry about it. I’m happy you’re willing to confide in me,” Hye interrupted her.
They stood there, smiling at each other.
Pi had noticed they’re almost done and slowly started towards them. He watched as Mao reached out a hand to shake with Hye. But Hye had stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. Mao looked mildly startled at that. He on the other hand looked quite concerned.
Hye pulled back. She couldn’t help it, wanting to give her strength. She knew she’ll need it. And the fact that she was feeling the guilt again… Even more so now that she’s spent a little time with her. Her honest desire for some semblance of normalcy in her life… Her concern for Pi…
What will happen if she ever finds the truth about them? That she was just part of a plan…
Should she still do this to her?
“You’ll be alright.” Hye worked her lips into an encouraging smile; trying to tone the guilt down. She honestly hopes so. Hye glanced towards Pi who was making his way to them. “Just go with what your instincts tell you.”
Mao gave a wan smile. “My instincts? My instincts tell me to stay away… I don’t know what I could be getting into. I could just get hurt in the end… Or maybe it’s really I could hurt him in the end.”
Hye grinned at her as she narrowed her eyes at Pi. She was still showing spirit. And that’s what she needs to see. There’s always some hope there really… She didn’t know what the result of her deciding to do this could be…
“But you’re already decided, right?” Hye said, smiling with her eyes. Mao looked at her. “I think doing this is somehow important to you too… I am not in a position to say anything but…here’s a chance to help both him and you out. He’s not going to ask for any help… Do what your heart’s already telling you to do.”
Hye gave her arm a squeeze and cheerily said good-bye. She walked away looking back for a last smile. Mao returned it and saw Pi stopping close by from the corner of her eye. She glanced at him. Thinking about Hye’s words. She took in the cool morning air, looked up the sky, and then gave a small nod, as if confirming something to herself.
“Come on, 거북이 (Kabugi),” she said loudly and started to move.
Pi watched her walk past him, looking confused. What did she just call him? He turned his head to Hye who had stopped for a while, looking mighty amused. She had heard. Pi definitely owes her a story. She then gave a haughty shrug at Pi’s questioning look. Giving up on that, he then turned to go, following Mao. Hye’s smile then turned into a concerned frown as she watched their backs.
Pushing them together… Was it the right thing to do? Maybe if she subtly tried to dissuade Mao from helping Pi… But somehow, she just can’t stand aside… He needs her…
They both need each other… Somehow…
She stood there for a while more before moving again.
She hoped she was right…
“I don’t know… I really don’t know anything… Please… Please…”
Nagase was pacing in front of Ken. His hands folded behind his back. The gun gleamed under the light. He stopped in front of him, observing him coldly.
“You expect me to believe you know nothing about it? Half of the load is gone!” Nagase roared in his face.
Ken cowered, his knees shaking like mad. Two men stood beside him. Standing by for Nagase’s order.
“I don’t know. I d-didn’t see anything.” His eyes then slid to Yoko, standing slightly in shadow. He could feel his eyes on him, waiting to see if he would spill. But he couldn’t do that. Not when he’s received something in return that night. The drugs and some of the money were still in his room. Yoko could take him down with him.
“Do not lie to me,” Nagase said silkily, placing the gun savagely on his forehead.
“Boss, what if this was an outside job?” One of his men suddenly suggested.
Nagase whipped around at him. A deep frown appearing. “What are you getting at?”
“Come on. Look at the kid. He can pee his pants any minute. He doesn’t have the guts to actually pull something like this with anyone. Do you think… it could be Matsumoto?”
Nagase looked at him like he was missing half his brain. As much as he fucking hates the man he wouldn’t even suspect him. Everyone knows Matsumoto would never get involved in anything related at all to drugs. If he wanted to get to him, he will use other ways. He could shoot him right now for that stupid conclusion. He went to start on the kid again.
“I don’t mean Matsumoto himself, but Aiba Masaki.”
Nagase stopped at that. “What are you getting at?”
“It’s just been rumors but a lot are cropping up lately. Someone’s spotted him buying drugs. He’s been frequenting a strip club; they say he’s been seen using. Who knows? He may be getting much bigger ideas than shooting himself up.”
“He probably found a way to score big and get to you, boss. I’m just saying.”
Nagase digested that information. He looked at the kid, trying to stop the tears from flowing. He was useless. Not really worth any of his time now. This new theory proved to be much more interesting. Aiba Masaki using? Does Matsumoto know anything about this yet?
The malicious grin on his lips said it all. Well, he was going to find out. He can’t wait to slap this in his face.
He pushed Ken away.
“What do we do with him, boss?”
“Let him back to work,” Nagase said distractedly. And then to all his men, “Wu Zun can’t know yet. I will be the one to inform him about this huge mess. Understood?”
They did. They then dispersed; Nagase issuing orders as they went to the car. They need to find out where Matsumoto will be in the next few days. He needs it fast. Two of the men pushed Ken back to his post.
Yoko stepped forward, a satisfied smirk on his lips. His eyes followed Nagase till he disappeared into his car. They then snapped to Ken, following his back. The satisfied smirk replaced with a look of concern.
He needed to talk to him.
Yoko stopped the door before Ken could slam it in his face. Ken gave him a pissed look and disappeared inside.
“I apologize about what happe-“
Ken threw something at his feet. Packs of cocaine and scattered bills lay there.
“Just fucking take them back. I don’t want to know. I don’t want to be involved in whatever crap you’re planning.”
“Nagase needed to see your genuine reaction. I had to do that so you can-“
“I told you I don’t give a damn. Just get the fuck out.”
He knew Nagase would forget about him once he saw an opportunity to get to Matsumoto. It was easy to plant that theory in Kobayashi; pretending to have a casual conversation about what may have happened. One of Nagase’s more obnoxious and simple-minded men. He relished being the intellectual one and knew he couldn’t resist being the one to let Nagase know of his amazing deductions. If only his brain was as big as his ego. Everything had worked out just as he hoped.
Yoko looked at him. “I apologize again. And thanks for not saying anything. Don’t worry. This is just the one time.”
“It better be,” Ken said, bitterly. They weren’t particularly close but he took offence at how hypocritical Yoko was. They were the only ones who really help each other. That was what he said. What a joke. They both were under Nagase’s cousin. But he hadn’t been in a week and their aniki passed. They were then shuffled under Nagase and life is shitty. But at least he knew there were still people he can count on even if he was among sharks. Now he knows how wrong he was.
Yoko gave another bow in apology. He turned to go.
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Ken cautioned darkly.
“I do,” Yoko answered. “Take care.”
The door closed behind him.
Mao took in the people, the excited chattering, the voice blasting overhead, the cheering and whistling outside; just the energy and life of everything around her. She loved being around it. She stopped by the counters, looking up to see where the odds are at. She and Jun would occasionally come to the racetrack to put in a few bets. Just something for fun. She’s never really won, not even once. Jun always had the luck. He did say she shouldn’t bet on a horse just because she thinks its name is cute or funny. But she didn’t mind not winning. She still gets gifts from him, she always pointed out. He decided to change his mind about the gifts then. She never really takes that seriously. But she’d started to learn a bit as they made the trips regular. Winning just a few; though her gifts to Jun weren’t as extravagant. Something he complains about, teasing her.
She moved again. It’s been a while though… She never really wanted to come here. What was the point? She would never enjoy it anyway… But Jun had some business here today. She’d left the VIP room to while away the time. Knowing the memories would come back to her… Did she suddenly want to remember what it felt like…?
“I never thought I’d get to see you again.”
Mao turned around. She gave a frown. It was the same man from the party. The smile on his face widened.
“You remember me.”
How could she forget? She unconsciously crossed her arms across her chest. Thankfully, his eyes weren’t trying to suggest anything right now. He kept it trained on her face, the small smirk on his lips. Her frown deepened. Did she just imagine that hungry look in his eyes? It was gone in a flash; maybe she just imagined it. She turned to go; something she should have done as soon as she knew it was him.
Mao pulled back at once. The skin on her arm crawling. “Don’t touch me.”
He held his hands up. In mock apology, she knew. He gave a polite smile. Mao looked warily at him. He wasn’t fooling anyone.
“We got off to a bad start.”
“You think?”
He really enjoyed bantering with her. “Akanishi Jin. And you are?”
She gave him a look, as if she’d ever tell him.
“Hey, come on. Give a guy a chance here.” He’d stepped ahead, preventing her from leaving again. “I’m not really normally like this. You just make me nervous.”
She really didn’t like that look in his eyes.
“You got something here.” He reached out for her hair.
She took a step back.” What are you-“
He wasn’t able to get whatever it was. Pi had stopped his arm and had pushed him away firmly. He automatically shielded Mao. His jaw tightening. Trying to control whatever was pushing him to just wipe that slimy look on his face. Scum like him needed a good beating.
His heart had jumped in his throat when he saw him talking to her. What the hell was he doing here? He seemed to have focused on her. Too focused. If his suspicions were right… He fully blocked her from his view.
“Ah, I forgot about the boyfriend.” But it looked like he had just been waiting for him to appear. “I’m not doing anything really. Just apologizing for the misunderstanding before.”
She just wanted to be away from his presence. Whatever comes out of his mouth is not worth taking seriously. It will be better if they just forget they ever ran into each other. She can’t wait to purge the encounter from her memory.
“Let’s just go,” she said to Pi, under her breath.
Pi flexed his fingers. He was still trying to catch a glimpse of her.
A man suddenly appeared beside him. “Sir, the boss says to come and get you immediately.”
Jin gave an annoyed look. He turned to them again. “I’ll find out your name one way or the other. Till next time, I’m hoping.”
He gave a smirk. Pi watched him go. He had taken a look back though, his eyes on Pi. He was really enjoying this. Pi turned to her when he was out of sight.
“That guy is beyond creepy. He’s just…” She rubbed her arm unconsciously. Everything about him was unsettling… She just wanted to get his slime off her… He wasn’t even making any effort to hide whatever he is… She really hoped that was the end of it.
“Next time don’t go off alone then,” Pi suddenly said. His voice somehow blaming her. Taking out his irritation on her. Why did that guy have to be here with Nagase right now? Of all the places, of all the timing…
“It’s not my problem if you’re not doing your job properly.” Mao glared at him. This is her fault now? Can’t he get his head straight? How was she to know that creep would be here?
Pi looked at her sullenly. He wanted to hang back, but keeping her in his line of sight. This is what happens when he decides to avoid her if he can. He can’t even take it when she’s looking to him with those eyes… Looking really soft and just wanting to reach out to him… He didn’t need that. He had other things to focus on. But now, another thing just added up the list. Akanishi Jin.
Trouble is ahead, he just knows it.
“He’s dangerous,” he then offered. His protectiveness of her… This bodyguard thing must really be getting to him. She really should be careful… but he can’t go into details he shouldn’t even know.
“You don’t need to tell me”. But this time there wasn’t as much bite in her voice. She glanced up at him. “Anyway, thanks.”
Pi didn’t look at her. He focused on something behind her and at a slightly higher angle. His eye still caught something though.
“You’ve got something in your hair,” he pointed out. Anything to just move past the last minute.
“Oh.” Her hand went up. “I thought he was lying about that.”
She tried to brush it away with her fingers, seeing if it would fall off. It was still there.
“Can you help me here?” She then asked.
Pi looked a little lost at the request. He got it a second later. He took a step forward and slowly reached out. Hesitating as his fingers brushed against her hair. He got it and let it fall to the floor.
“Must be from the guy who tore up every betting card he had,” she mused, looking up at him. The guy had thrown the pieces into the air just as she walked by.
They both turned to Ohno’s voice. Pi immediately distanced himself from Mao, folding his hand in front of him at attention. He had just arrived at the racetrack. Having to handle a problem on his own. Unable to reach Aiba again. He was heading towards the VIP room when he saw them. Ohno glanced at Pi before turning to Mao again.
He looked at his watch. “Should be time for dinner. Let’s go up then?”
Mao gave a nod. Ohno’s eyes slid to Pi once more before they made their way.
“You can’t go in there!”
The door burst open. Jun calmly looked up as he tossed down his brandy; his preferred after-dinner drink. Mao looked startled as Nagase and a few of his men stepped in. But nothing could prepare her for the next person. He appeared last beside Nagase, surveying the surrounding, looking really bored. She was almost holding her breath till his eyes fell on her. His eyes widened.
“I don’t think I invited you in, Nagase.” Jun leaned back on the couch. Mao put down the champagne glass on the table. She glanced back at Pi, who was looking darkly at the creep. Jun gave a signal to his men. They shouldn’t even have made their way down the hall.
“So he isn’t your boyfriend.”
Everyone’s eyes were on Jin. Jun’s eyes snapped to where he was pointing at. At Yamashita. Yamashita looked like he was really not liking the guy. Looking at him with something close to disgust. Ohno was closely watching Yamashita as well.
“Your bodyguard, huh?” Jin continued, understanding dawning on him. No one seemed to be stopping him; as if the whole room wanted to know what he was really talking about.
Jun’s eyes fell on Mao. Looking like the guy was leaving a bad taste in her mouth.
“Well, you could have fooled me,” Jin chuckled. “Honestly, the way he was so-“
“Please watch your mouth,” Mao said coolly, her steady gaze on him.
She’s had Jin’s full attention now. His eyes flicked to Jun sitting beside her. “Ah, Matsumoto’s really the one. This is interesting…”
The gleeful look was back on his face. Like he’s just been handed the treat of his life. His eyes went from her to Jun then Pi.
“This got a whole lot more fun…,” he muttered cryptically.
“What do you want, Nagase?” Jun asked steadily. Akanishi’s comments didn’t go unheard. More than anyone else in the room, he wanted to know what they were all about. But he can’t let Nagase see that. He was already watching everything with mild curiosity. He can’t let him see that it matters.
Nagase seemed to snap out of it, giving his cousin a disapproving frown. He almost stole his thunder. He slowly made his way to the couch opposite Jun. Jin followed him, sitting across Mao, who was watching him from the corner of her eye. His eyes kept flicking from her then to Jun. Something in his smile… He then took out his cellphone, soon engrossed in it. At least he wasn’t purposely trying to make her uncomfortable again.
Nagase had taken a seat and crossed his legs. “I just wanted to see Aiba Masaki.”
“What for?” Jun said, his voice almost non-committal. He didn’t need to feed Nagase’s ego.
“I need to discuss with him a matter concerning some stolen drugs from my docks.”
Ohno’s brows snapped together. Jun looked to Nagase, as if fed-up now.
“Get out.”
Nagase barked out a laugh. “Not till I know where he is. Do you even know?”
Jun’s face showed nothing.
“So it’s true then? He’s using. The erratic behaviours, disappearing acts… That really explains it all, huh?” He was gloating. “You know, I don’t even care that much for the drugs now. Because this, this just makes up for it plenty.”
“I’m not saying it again.” Jun’s voice still calm.
“How it must kill you,” Nagase said, a vicious smile sweeping his lips. “You think you truly know someone… You think you can really trust someone… Sometimes they just prove you all wrong, eh?”
Jun just looked at him steadily, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
Nagase gave a hearty chuckle and then turned deadly serious too. “If I find out he had anything to do with my missing drugs… he’d wished he never had a taste.”
“And you think I’d let you get away with that?”
Nagase gave a smirk.
“Let’s go.” He got to his feet and strode over to the door.
Jin followed suit, but not before giving Mao one last look. Though Mao wasn’t focused on him anymore, the things she heard about Aiba… She looked shocked. Never would she have imagined…
“Where’s Aiba?” Jun said to Ohno.
“Still can’t reach him.” Ohno had already called him up as soon as Nagase and his men had filed out. “Jun, you think-“
“I don’t know what to think. How come we never heard about this?” He was looking troubled. He didn’t want to believe any of that. But Aiba’s actions lately… They were making it hard for him to ignore.
“He may have slipped up just recently,” Ohno said, still trying to contact Aiba. Leading a secret life is no easy matter. He tried again.
“Aiba wouldn’t do this, right?” Mao suddenly said, looking a bit sick. He wouldn’t do this to himself. He wouldn’t do this to Yui… Ruining his life like this... No matter if things get to be too much… He had Jun… He had Ohno… She wished they could find him soon… Concern washed over her… Thinking back to the last time she’s seen him…
He’s gotten thin…
Jun took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze. Mao looked to him. He gave a small smile. “We’ll find him. And then we’ll talk. We can’t jump to conclusions just yet.”
“I’ll get some men out to look.” Ohno headed for the doors, signalling to Pi and the other two.
Pi had dragged his gaze away from Mao and moved. Jun followed his back for a while. Ohno had waited for all three to file out before giving a nod to Jun and closing the door.
He then turned to Mao. Her brow still furrowed. Worried. He knows she wanted to see Aiba soon and find out for herself. She’ll probably be the hardest on him…
“Tell me when you’re able to reach him,” Mao requested, unable to hide her concern. She didn’t try to pretend anymore. This is seriously messed up. Aiba can’t throw away his life like that…
“Of course.”
Jun’s fingers clasped over hers, feeling for the first time in a long while that everything was back to the way they were…
He held on tighter…
“Wow,” Jin greeted as he stood leaning against the door frame to his room.
He looked at the guards that had been following him day in and day out; they were stirring from their position on the couch. It was down to just three now. Which was just the perfect number. His good behaviour lately must be paying off. He gave a grin as they stretched and rubbed their faces.
“Aren’t you guys tired of this? Honestly, I’m sick of looking at you guys,” he quipped, giving a winsome smile to cushion that comment.
One of them grunted while the other two remained silent.
“You know what, I’ve got a proposal for you.”
They looked at each other, as if reminding themselves not to be had by him.
“I know I don’t want you three following me everywhere. You guys are cramping my style,” Jin shook his head. “And you probably are thinking of ways to kill me and then secretly dispose of my body, right? Although just in your imagination.”
They shared another look. Jin gave them a reassuring smile that he wasn’t offended.
“So, here’s an offer you can’t refuse.”
Money makes the world go round.
No kidding.
Jin walked back towards his bed as he stretched. Contemplating what to do with his newfound freedom. At least for a few hours at a time. They can finally get some rest while he…
He gave a slow grin.
He dropped down on the bed and snatched up his phone. He pushed a few buttons. His face lit up as he found what he was looking for. He looked at the photo he took.
His lips curled into a smile, looking really pleased.
“I did say I’ll find out your name…”
He slid a finger down the side of her face and then brought it to his lower lip.
“Inoue Mao…”
I want Junbug back in the scene pls.....I like Pi but I like Mao way better with Jun !!!! the Jin guy is soo creepy wonder if hes psyhco or something!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that Mao is the only for Jun..hmmm...grrhhh...aarrgghh...JUNMAO xx (^^)