Lun pulled his jacket tighter to him, his heart still pounding hard. He bowed his head a bit, unable to contain the excitement. People might think he’s crazy if he’s smiling by himself for no reason. His boots scuffed the ground. He turned a corner into their street, thankful that no one was there. The usual sounds coming from the neighbors’ house also absent.
The stillness of the surroundings, the noonday sun hitting him; gave him a sense of contentment. But he knew there was another reason. He shifted the bag onto his left hand and continued down the street, passing one of the unoccupied houses.
He heard a noise.
“What the-?”
Hands grabbed at him and roughly pulled him off the street and out of sight.
Mao leaned over the roof ledge and looked down. She watched it flutter weakly to the ground. Not to be discouraged, she took another piece of paper from the stack she had prepared and started folding again.
After the events yesterday, she had been feeling more than a little restless. A little confused. A little of everything; causing her to lose sleep more than usual. Yesterday… She didn’t even recognize herself. Playing around, light in her steps, laughing more than she ever had in the past year…
For a few glorious hours, not thinking of what her life really had come to…
And it’s all because of him…
The day hadn’t even ended yet and she knew she wanted to have that again…
He had helped her forget… Not entirely but he’d given her some peace of mind for a brief moment… He was the reason once more… And what he’s done for her will always remain with her… The day she saw him for the first time seemed so far away now. Everyday, with every little thing, she had felt herself getting more accustomed to him... She never would have thought it could happen… But her heart… She knows clearly now her heart has slowly let him in… And though she wasn’t sure about it yet, she knew it was growing more and more attached to him… Whatever effect he has on her, a part of her is still cautious, wary about it but… she couldn’t really ignore it altogether… Willing it to pull her in somehow…
A friend? Can she consider him as that? She didn’t know… Wasn’t sure… All his actions held no sincerity… Not much… But somehow, it has changed… When, she can’t really say… She’d once said she doesn’t feel safe around him. It may still hold true at some points but after everything he’s done, she finds herself thinking about trusting him now…
Trust him…
But questions were still on her mind. Why he does what he does for her… Why would he even care at all? Why go to all that trouble? Just so they’re even? Just because she won their bet?
Or is it because just like her he couldn’t stay away… For some inexplicable reason just finds himself drawn to her… Someone who isn’t whole… A mirror of himself… She’s seen glimpses of something real in him… She knows it…
She turned the paper plane in her hands. Sometimes when everything just feels a little too much, she’s learned that folding paper planes helps her to be at ease. At the least… Watching it soar away over walls, over rooftops, she could imagine her mind being set free… Imagine herself being set free… If only a paper plane could carry her away…
She let it go in her hand. And then watched; it hasn’t even gone far and it starts diving downwards… Her eyes followed it down. She was never really good at making paper planes… She reached for a new one and her hand paused for a second. She slowly slid it out and looked at it, her eyes saddening.
It was one of Jun’s old drawings from before. A small sad smile appeared on her lips. It was supposed to be a pineapple, but Jun was exasperated to exhaustion when she tried to make the kids guess what it was. They came up with loads of stuff from a potato. A porcupine. A coconut tree. To which Jun grudgingly asks whether they’ve ever seen a yellow porcupine. Or a yellow coconut tree.
Jun… She flashed back to the moment at the elevator. The guilt came out of nowhere… She knew what she was doing was just a way to let out some of the frustrations… But somehow, it felt like she was deceiving him… Cheating on him with someone else… The paper in her hand was almost crumpled. Cheating? There’s nothing between them anymore… How could that be…? She shouldn’t think that way… Her thoughts were getting more and more ridiculous…
She bit her lip. Thinking back to everything she’d done with Pi… It was nothing… But… did she think that way…? After seeing him pick out the olives… Thoughts of Jun had been popping out occasionally… And then almost running into Jun after… She knew when they were inside enjoying the chocolate fountains, there was no stopping the thoughts… Was a part of her hoping… Hoping like a fool… that he was Jun…? Was she just substituting him for Jun…?
No. That can’t be.
It can’t be.
She closed her eyes, feeling so trapped in her mind. But maybe that explains why she feels this sort of connection with him… That maybe she was just imagining it… Giving it more meaning than it has…
Her eyes snapped open, hearing footsteps behind. She turned around and saw him walking towards her. She stifled that feeling in her heart; That sudden burst of happiness. The lack of sleep could be taking its toll on her…
“They said you wanted to see me…?”
Pi gave a slight frown at her, looking a little flustered as she looked away, concentrating on the paper she was folding on the ledge.
“I didn’t know you will be coming in late… There’s something I wanted you to have but it’s in the classroom right now,” she said, keeping her eyes on the ledge.
“Ohno,” he explained in one word.
Pi still had his eyes on her back. She seemed like she was keen on avoiding looking at him, but maybe that was just him getting to know his overactive imagination again. He must have gotten it from that kid.
It had nothing to do with what happened. In the mall, in the elevator… He just wished he could stop thinking about yesterday. She probably had…
He was treated to an image of her looking at him with those eyes of hers in the elevator. He didn’t know what came over him but he just couldn’t ignore her in front of him anymore. The scent of her hair, the feel of her moving close to him… What was that…? He rolled his shoulders unconsciously. It shouldn’t be happening…
She was just something way out of his reach… He then remembered her laughing at herself when she got chocolate all over her chin… That time… He sensed she was distracted once in a while though… The sight of Matsumoto… He’d suggested they go back soon since it was a little risky to stay any further with him and his men in the same hotel. But she seemed to be trying too hard to show that everything was okay… Something that left him feeling slighted for some reason. Watching her pretend like that… Pretend she isn’t thinking of Matsumoto…
He didn’t like this hold he has on her… Not one bit…
“Must be something important then.” She tried to sound flippant; tried not to sound as if she was curious about what he did. As if she cared about what he did. As if she didn’t like the idea he was off elsewhere doing whatever he did. What is she doing? It seemed as if the paper in front of her wasn’t flat enough.
He pursed his lips. He just spent half the day tagging along on some credit collection standing by and doing nothing. He really didn’t see the point of him being there. Did they need someone to cheer them on? On the surface, it wouldn’t be considered as important. But as he thought about it, he came to a bigger revelation.
Ohno’s possible reason behind it.
His eyes darted to her back once more.
He had been playing on a hunch. They hadn’t let him near anything that would tie to any of their dealings; his job was to watch her. Why the suddenness then? Why now? Ohno confirmed his musings when he was trying to find a flimsy excuse to keep him on that particular assignment. The two collectors he was with had said they’ve got it covered and he’s better off doing something else than be an audience. He seemed to be thinking of another meaningless post for him when one of his men had reminded him in a low voice that Miss Mao was short of guards at the orphanage. And they still had to meet up with Matsumoto. Ohno seemed to have been in battle with himself before telling him to go back to his post. He had felt his watchful eyes on his back as he walked away. And it hadn’t been the first time.
He always knew the biggest threat to his plan is Ohno Satoshi. His perceptiveness isn’t something he needs to be dealing with. So he just shouldn’t attract attention. But his plan really doesn’t call for subtlety.
And it wasn’t long that Ohno’s taken notice. He’s had his guard up more than usual when it came to him. He could have seen something. Maybe he’d let something slip when he’s around her. The possibility was there knowing how he’s not been himself the past few days. Just one wrong move could be the end for him. And evidently, he’s been making a habit of making wrong moves.
Especially yesterday.
It could just be him but seems like after yesterday, Ohno’s gotten more determined than usual. Waging this sudden silent war against him. They had been late in showing up, but he knew the two guards wouldn’t let slip anything to anyone. Even though they didn’t seem to buy Mao’s excuse that she forced him to let her walk off the popcorn after the movie and just lost track of the time. Their necks were on the line as well. But people talk and he could have caught wind of something. Something that told him he should pay more attention.
He’s still standing. That’s good news.
But Ohno’s taking a second look now.
A closer second look.
And he didn’t know how long until he tries to dig further.
He doesn’t really understand why he doesn’t just take him off his bodyguard post. It’s the easier alternative. Better than this half-ass plan of making him go on ridiculous runs just so he won’t be at her side.
It wasn’t solving any problems really.
What could make a man known for making precise decisions fumble his way through this one then?
The only explanation he could think of was he didn’t want to alert Matsumoto to anything. Ohno being the loyal friend that he is wouldn’t risk burdening him. Not without cause. Anything to do with her affects him in ways he couldn’t bear to see. Maybe he feels he was just being oversensitive. Tension is high right now. There have been persistent rumors that Wu Zun with the help of Nagase has something in the works. They’ve been at it for some time now but no concrete news or information was coming up. They had to be on guard. So it’s also another reason he can’t take him off the post.
Or it could be he’s refusing to deal with what he could be seeing. Something he sees that will inadvertently affect things between Matsumoto and her.
Is that it?
If Ohno’s resorted to scheming to get him away from her side, there truly must be something there then?
She had taken a quick glance back at him, owing to his silence.
Or did he just want that to be the case …
“Is it time for your 4 o’clock silent treatment again?” His eyes went to her holding up a paper plane getting ready to throw it. “I should really put up a schedule as a reminder.”
His lips gave an involuntary quirk.
“What are you doing?” He said instead, genuinely curious. He didn’t want to think about Ohno and the risks involved. Not right now. He should distract himself for a while. And he found it was easy to be distracted by her. Too easy, in fact… He knows that doesn’t bode well. But he really isn’t complaining.
He had started to walk towards the ledge and settled on a spot well away from her. He looked down at the grounds; an excuse not to face her.
“Throwing a paper plane.” And then as an afterthought, “Duh.”
The shadow of a smile was lurking in his lips, his eyes sweeping the ground below already littered with a few. Mao decided it was a bit silly she took it to heart that he didn’t really say anything about his day. Even though she asked. Well, granted that it wasn’t really a direct question but people would normally be able to get that.
“You know what I mean.”
Mao averted her gaze casually when his face turned towards her.
“I’m… escaping.” She said with a grin.
Pi’s brows knitted together and inclined his head in question.
“It’s what I do. I treat it as a sort of escape for me when I feel… a little down…” She gave a shrug, feeling a little embarrassed somehow telling him about this. It was something only for her to know, really. But she couldn’t help it. She made the pretense of checking if the plane’s tip is pointy enough. “I can just imagine myself soaring out of here. Don’t you do that sometimes?”
Pi quickly wiped the expression off his face as she turned to him. An expression one could only see as rapt interest.
“Now, if only I can make it over that wall… then it’s a good day.”
With her tongue sticking out a bit, she aimed. It’s off. Only to make its way straight down.
They both watched it take a nosedive.
“But I still need to work on my paper plane making skills,” Mao said, patting her bangs self-consciously. “I’ll make it. Eventually…”
She turned somber for a while and then looked at him, putting on a brave smile. She reached for another paper and was surprised when he took it from her. She looked up at him. He’d covered their distance in three steps, looking at her with a sort of understanding in his eyes. Her mind flashed back inside the elevator yesterday. Remembering his warmth… Much like right now; feeling herself being pulled towards him…
Another memory then came back to her.
Something she’d seen.
She didn’t think much about it until now.
Her eyes slowly went to his throat. His shirt and tie hiding what she knew was there.
The scar between his collarbone.
Her hand started lifting up unconsciously. She wanted to see… To know… To understand… Wanted to take away the layers… A sudden movement from him broke the spell and she caught herself. He’d stepped back, turned to the ledge and was starting to fold the paper he took.
“I make a mean paper plane, you know…”
She looked at her hand that was about to do the unthinkable and immediately put it down. Watching his profile as he silently finished his plane. He held it up finally, aiming it towards the wall. He waited, felt the wind picking up and then let it go.
It soared beautifully.
And it looked like it was going to make it.
They watched in silence; Mao almost holding her breath.
It was going to make it.
It did.
“I guess with a little help, you can do it.”
Mao continued to stare at the wall. She didn’t think she’d ever get to see one ever go past it. She didn’t think he’d be the one to make her see… A gust of wind woke her up from her trance.
“Why do you do that?” She asked. It was almost a whisper.
Pi’s eyes snapped to her. She slowly lifted her gaze to him. A plea to make her understand buried deep within her voice.
“Everything.” She didn’t know if she was making any sense, but seems like he knows just what she is talking about. “Why do you make it possible again? Possible for me to-“
She stopped herself before she could go any further. He was standing there, every bit of him tensed up. Belatedly realizing the pain he was feeling in his chest was from his heart beating fast. He watched as she raked a hand through her hair, looking slightly defeated. Trying to make sense of it all.
He didn’t have an answer for her.
God knows he wanted to know as well.
But the only thing he could clearly see right now is her standing just a short step away from him. And if he reached over…
If he reached over…
His shoulders moved just slightly. As if it served as a reminder. She bit her lip.
“Can I trust you?”
It was hard for him to swallow. To think.
“What do you want…? When it comes to you, everything feels like some sort of game. Though I can’t help but feel that there’s something more to it and-“
“What do you want to hear?”
Mao looked at him. At the familiar smirk on his lips.
“You’ve come up with your own conclusion to this. So what do you want to hear?”
What did she want to hear? Mao kept silent. Realizing she had made a mistake. She should have just left it alone. Running away with her emotions once more. She should know better… She should…
Pi looked towards the grounds again. “It’s probably not this but let’s face it. We’re just using each other.”
And he was willing himself to believe that. Better this than…
He turned back to her. A confused frown was aimed at him.
“Why are you still being so naïve about all of this?” His frustration was slightly showing. He reeled it in. “You want to forget, right? To escape even for a while? Isn’t that what you are always craving for? I’m bringing something different into your life. You’re just using me to be able to have that. If you think you will find a more profound reason other than that then you really haven’t learned anything.”
She looked at him, as if seeing him for the very first time. Her frown deepened as she let his words sink in.
“Then what are you using me for?”
Pi looked away from the quiet understanding in her eyes and smirked again. “You’re not the only one who wants to forget.”
“Don’t.” He suddenly said, his eyes were back on her.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t even care about what it is,” he replied, stiffly. She looked away, willing herself to stop thinking about his scar.
“Just like I don’t care if you trust me or not.” His voice slipped slightly at the words. “As long as I get something from all of this. It’s just how the world works. As soon as you understand that the better it is for you. So why don’t you leave it at that? It’s that simple. Nothing more.”
He couldn’t quite read the expression on her face. He dragged his gaze away from her and was about to offer her another flippant advice when she spoke.
“Using each other, huh?” She said in an almost amused voice. “Glad to know that. It’s made everything much clearer…”
“But that’s not always the way the world works.” Her eyes were bright and steady. “At least I’m trying to believe that.”
“I know perfectly well the world is ugly. Oftentimes even brutal. I’ve tried to shut myself from it. From everything around me. Much like what you’re so determined on doing. And it’s not a place I want to be in anymore. Living like that, it’s meaningless. So I don’t think I’ll be taking your advice. But I will hold on to it just in our case.”
He looked speechless for a moment.
“At least I got through somehow.”
She offered a small smile. “Just know though, you can’t stop me from wanting to know about what it is that made you like this.”
His brow furrowed.
“You may think it’s idiotic, stupid or just plain ridiculous, of which I share the same sentiment because your attitude is just aggravating, but whatever it is you’re trying to forget… It’s not something that I can just dismiss because I know what it feels like… I’m not going to try and find out but you can’t stop me from at least ca- worrying.”
“But don’t sweat; I won’t forget the part where we’re just using each other.”
She will never again think any different. At least he’s made that clear… She can’t make this mistake again… The emotions she actually placed on this, trying to find some meaning to it… She was that broken… That vulnerable… At least now she has someone to remind her just how she could get. This should be the part where she’s using him. He would be proud.
“You just don’t get it.”
She gave a slight shrug. Their gazes locked and something seemed to be pressing against his throat. He, for a moment, seemed to forget about everything he’s reminded her just now. He tried to look away. He really did try. A banging sound then suddenly resounded. In a flash, he was in front of her, his gun almost out when a voice called out.
Mei was coming towards them and it looked like something is very wrong.
“Jie, what’s happened?” Mao immediately ran to her, noting her pallid face. She took hold of her arms and asked once more. Pi stopped at her side, on alert.
Mei looked like she was pulling on all her strength. She was trembling slightly, carrying to her voice. “It’s Lun…”
“Lun Ge? Why? Where is he?” She watched as her jie take a deep calming breath but it doesn’t seem to be doing any good.
The first thing Mei had heard was Lun’s voice in pain in the background and she almost dropped her phone. Aaron Yan had introduced himself, irritatingly polite as she heard a sickening crunch in the background. He didn’t hesitate in telling her that her husband was suffering a major beating right now. She had heard another of Lun’s pained grunts. She calmly demanded him to stop it, wiping away a tear and asked what he wanted.
Her worst fears were confirmed when Aaron Yan’s identity came to light. He was right-hand man to Wu Zun. She had vaguely come across the name once before but she didn’t need his full history to know Lun has been in contact with the wrong men. Aaron Yan had related Lun’s current situation animatedly to her.
Five million yen. That was the amount Lun had approached them to borrow. He had gotten the money this morning. But was robbed on his way home. He’d claimed to recognize one of the goons when he ripped his ski mask off. That it was one of Aaron Yan’s men. He was setting him up right from the beginning. A ploy to push him to desperation. He wasn’t thinking straight and had rushed to confront them. Telling them that all deals were off. They got their money back; they’ve got nothing on him anymore.
But it wouldn’t be that easy. He’s not weaseling out on their deal, having the guts to come up with some fucked up excuse.
“He said that they’ll be keeping Lun till I come up with the money.” Mei closed her eyes tight, the tears she was trying to hold in rolling down.
“Mao… I could hear him… What they were doing to him… I can’t…” She gripped Mao’s arm, the tears flowing non-stop. She wanted to forget… Wanted to forget his screams…
“Don’t worry, Jie...” Her voice trying to offer comfort but her body seemed to have gone numb. Lun Ge. She can’t let anything happen to him. She met Pi’s gaze but it’s as if she doesn’t really see him.
“I need Jun… I need to call him…”
Pi watched silently as she led Mei towards the stairs. He stood there, seeming unable to move. He frowned in puzzlement at what was going on inside him. What she said… He gave a disbelieving scoff. He can’t actually be affected by it.
She needed Matsumoto. It’s just natural. With the way things are the only person that actually has the power to fix it is him.
It was just the way she said it… Like it was something that just can’t be denied… She needs him… Really needs him. Not just because of this situation… It was just the way it is… This was the first time he’s really seen it for himself and actually made him believe that just maybe; nothing could ever come between that…
Will she always need him…?
As long as she is in this world, he knew that whatever happens, Matsumoto will always come first in her mind. No matter what he can show her… No matter how much he can give her… there was no one else she sees in front of her…
His jaw tightened uncomfortably as he remembered the way her eyes slipped past him. He reached up and started loosening his tie. His hand stopped and looked down at it. What was she about to do then? Her gaze had been locked on his throat. He had remained motionless, almost unable to breathe, as if mesmerized as he felt rather than saw her hand slowly moving up… His mind had gone blank... Her power over him… The soft look in her eyes…
A new fire suddenly burned in him. He took out his phone, scrolled for a number and waited for someone to pickup.
“It’s me. I have word that something’s going on with Aaron Yan and his men. What do you know about it?”
“Aaron Yan?” Yoko echoed; a frown in his voice. “I haven’t heard anything. That’s Wu Zun’s side. I have very limited sources, most especially now. They’re keeping things too under wraps. Why the sudden interest? Is he relevant?”
He was making it up as he goes. “Yan’s tied to Wu Zun and Nagase. If there’s movement on his front, there’s most probably a connection to Matsumoto. Can you look into it? Find out where he is right now.”
He can’t let him know he’s got a lot more details. That will give away that he obtained his information firsthand. Meaning he’s got to be someone working from the inside. It would be better if anything concerning him is vague to Yoko.
Though the assumption seemed thin, the indirect parties getting involved seemed like too much of a coincidence. This incident was coming out like it was designed to pull Matsumoto into the mix. And it was a sensitive issue. He can’t just push his authority in Wu Zun’s side. It was their deal and he has no right for involvement. If he chose to do something about it, that’s where it gets tricky.
“I’ll give it a shot.” Though he didn’t sound too optimistic. “By the way, I still can’t get anything on Ohno Satoshi. Compared to Aiba, it’s going to be a lot harder to drive a wedge between him and Matsumoto.”
He knows all too well. “We’ll be able to come up with something. Just get me Aaron Yan.”
He pocketed his phone, his thoughts really all over the place right now. Calling Yoko was more of an impulse. What was he going to do if he was able to get the information for him? He then decided Sho would be the right guy for this. He’s the one who needs to make this bust thereby eliminating Matsumoto’s probable involvement. Well then, Sho right now needs to start investigating into it too. He reached for his phone once more.
Was he really thinking this through? Matsumoto making an appearance in Wu Zun’s deal was the surefire way to disaster. He should be using that bad blood to his own advantage. But preventing her from reaffirming that Matsumoto’s the one she can only turn to proved to be the more effective approach. At least that’s what he’s telling himself.
He had his phone in his hand.
“What are you doing?” He expelled a frustrated breath.
He was having trouble shaking off the look in her eyes as she thought of Matsumoto.
He dialed the number.
“I wasn’t expecting this at all.”
Aaron Yan looked Mei up and down as she stood there with a large duffel bag in her hand. She was trying her hardest to keep it together while being surrounded by the scums that had her husband, who could very well hurt her too.
She threw the bag at his feet as he continued to gaze at her with interest. Her skin crawled and she longed to slap him across the face.
“Where is he?” She didn’t want to stay in this place another minute.
One of the men had snatched up the bag and they took it behind to check the money. A hint of a smile was playing in Yan’s lips as Mei gave him a sharp glare and looked away. He suddenly took a step forward and Mei jumped back.
“Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. The money’s all there, isn’t it?” Yan smiled. He glanced to the back, the smile gone. “Isn’t it?”
“Five million, Ge.”
“Where is he?” She asked once again, her voice shaking slightly. They had a deal.
Yan gave a signal. The door to the left opened and Mei’s hand went to her mouth. The tears springing in her eyes. They shoved a bloodied Lun into the room and he crumpled to the ground. His face had been badly beaten, his left eye swollen and his wincing indicated broken ribs. Mei called to him, starting towards him but was suddenly pulled back. She tried pulling away, demanding he let go of her. Yan answered with a smile that sent a chill through her.
“Five million isn’t going to cut it. You think he can just walk away after trying to fuck with us? Another five million before you can get him back.”
Mei pushed him away and he let go of her. Her eyes flashed, the tears glistening. “Five million was all we agreed on!”
“Well, I changed my mind,” he said coldly. “I thought we’d get to play with him for at least a few more days but you got the money quite fast. Another five million won’t be hard, right?”
“Bastard,” Mei said through gritted teeth.
“You shouldn’t have come, Mei…” Lun suddenly said in a broken voice. “Just go-“
“Stop it!” Mei screamed, the tears coming down, when one of the men kicked him in the stomach to shut him up.
“Ah, love,” Yan pretended to be all smitten. “This means you do want him back, right?”
“You’re not getting another cent.”
Mei marched towards Lun. Before she could get to him, Yan signaled for the men to get a hold of her. She kicked and scratched as she screamed for them to let her go. Lun had tried to stop one of them by holding on to their leg. Another shout of pain came from him. Mei bit the hand that tried to cover her mouth.
“Enough!” Yan shouted.
The scuffle immediately stopped. Mei glared at him with her tear-stricken face as she struggled against her captor’s hold. She couldn’t move her arms. Yan slowly stepped towards her. His hand reached out and caught her chin.
“Why don’t you just agree to give another five million so we can just get along?”
Mei pulled away, marking her defiance when she remained silent.
“Maybe this can convince you.” Yan purposefully stepped towards Lun, who lay on the ground. His breathing ragged. Yan’s boot stopped beside his hand placed on the ground. “I hear your husband’s a great musician. Out of luck maybe but he knows his music, right?”
Mei watched Yan, the fear gripping her. She struggled once more. Pleading broke out in her voice. “What more do you want? You have the money. Just please let us go!”
“I can’t do that.” He placed his boot on Lun’s hand, putting a little pressure. He was held down when he tried to move. He watched as Mei struggled to get out, wanting to fly to her husband’s side.
“Although… on second thought…” He moved away from Lun, his eyes on her. The slight relief washed over her for a moment, but she tensed up as soon as he spoke again. “There is another way to settle this.”
Yan then looked down at Lun, making sure he sees his face. “One night with your wife and we forget about all of this. You can even have the five million back.”
Mei made a disgusted noise. Lun had stilled for a moment before he lunged for Yan, crying out in pain. His broken ribs were hindering him from making the attack. Yan stepped back easily as Lun swore at him. Another kick was aimed at his ribs. Yan moved towards him again. His boot on his hand once more.
“I’m doing you a favor here.” He then turned his head back to Mei. “So what do you say?”
“I think you’ve had enough fun.”
Yan whirled around as Jun came into the room. Guns were pretty much in everyone’s faces in seconds. Jun seemed not to notice as he calmly stopped a few paces away from Yan.
“Matsumoto,” Yan said in feigned awe. “What a surprise. I knew there was something fishy about where she got the five mill.”
“Spare us the circus act. It’s pretty clear who your real target is. Let them go.”
“I don’t think so. You’ve got no business here. I could blow your brains out and there would be no consequences. But something else is keeping me entertained right now. So why don’t you just get the fuck out of my property?”
“Not without them.” Ohno then appeared beside Jun and threw a couple of duffel bags on the ground. “Here’s another ten million. I walk away with them.”
“Ten million?” Yan said, smirking. He looked down at Lun. “But this is so much fun.”
Mei pleaded for him to stop as his boot grinded into Lun’s hand. Lun struggled once more, screaming, as tears streamed down his face from the pain.
Jun seemed unfazed. A man was suddenly shoved into the ground face first. Yan’s eyes snapped to him. “If you don’t want the scheme you pulled be exposed, I suggest you think twice about doing that again.”
Yan’s jaw clenched. He put more pressure on Lun’s hand. Mei whimpered as she watched helplessly.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His voice was calm and he was not taking off the pressure on Lun’s hand.
“I’m not known for my patience. Just know I’ll be able to blow your brains out without consequences. And believe me, I’m hoping you would let me.”
Yan stomped his boot hard one last time on Lun’s hand. Jun’s eyes flashed. Ohno aimed his gun at Yan’s head for that move. His men didn’t know where to aim their guns at this point. He held up his hands, a smirk on his lips. Mei was released; she ran to Lun and kneeled at his side, cradling his head. Covering her mouth as she sobbed.
Jun’s men had moved forward, alert, just in case someone decided they wanted to cause some damage. Ohno’s gun was still on his target. Jun watched as his men supported Lun off the floor. Some of them offered help to Mei as well but she refused telling them that her husband needed it more than she does. They slowly filed out of the room.
“You’ll be hearing from us,” Yan then said when Jun started to move. A dark secret behind his smirk.
Jun didn’t bother with an answer and walked away as Ohno and the rest of his men followed.
Mao’s eyes followed Jun as he silently stepped into the classroom and settled onto a seat in front of her table. He closed his tired eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose with an inaudible sigh.
“How are you?”
His fingers stilled and he looked to her. The concern in her eyes somehow lifting his spirits a little. They haven’t spoken to nor seen each other ever since the night at the wine bar. The night when his impulses and the overwhelming need for her got the better of him. He had stepped out of line, he knew that and he wouldn’t blame her if she can’t really look at him right now. But suddenly being thrust into this situation… There was an unspoken understanding and it had somehow softened things a bit between them… But they were far from resolved…
But now wasn’t the time for that…
His head snapped up at her next words.
“I’m sorry…” Her fingers twisted together. Her eyes saddening. “I know asking you to do this… The implications with Wu Zun… I just – It won’t happen again… This is the last ti-“
“Mao…” His voice seemed to be cracking under all the stress. “Don’t ever think that you can’t ever come to me when you need me. You know that…”
Mao lowered her gaze. She had rushed to Red after finding out he was holding a meeting there. It wasn’t after his meeting that he’d heard of the problem; Ohno having answered his phone for him while he was inside. She had been waiting for him at the bar and she looked fretful, almost unsure if she was doing the right thing. She had then nervously relayed to him what happened to Lun and Mei and had asked earnestly over and over again that he help them. There was no one else… She knew there were risks involved but…
She didn’t have to beat herself up asking him. It was for the two people she cared most about. And he won’t stand aside and do nothing. He will do everything in his power. It had always been that way… It will always be that way…
“But the consequences your involvement might cause…,” she said softly, her eyes meeting his once again. Ohno himself pointed this out, trying to somehow dissuade him. Maybe they should have listened…
He slowly stood up. Her eyes following him. He had wanted to go over to her. Pull her into his arms and tell her not to worry. It had taken everything in him not to do that. But he had to endure it… She didn’t need another onslaught of emotions to face.
“The important thing is they are safe. Don’t think about it anymore…” He gave a small smile. “We should go. I know how much you want to see them.”
“Thank you…” He had heard it from her countless times tonight. He watched as another layer of concern appeared in her eyes. Her gaze took in his haggard features. She wasn’t the only one who has been losing sleep… “But Jun, you need to go home and rest. Please. I’ll be okay on my own.”
“It’s nothing-“
His head had been throbbing for a while now. But going home to a house without her didn’t seem like it can help in any way. But she had stepped out from behind her table and was firmly asking him to take care of himself. He looked like his body is about to give out. He needs sleep.
“I’ll wait up for you,” he sort of conceded.
“That’s not-“
“I’ll wait up for you.”
It looked like there was nothing she could really say or do. He waited for her answer. She gave a reluctant nod.
Pi stopped just outside her door. He leaned against the wall beside the door frame, his thoughts on everything that’s happened.
Mei and Lun were now safe. He’d been standing outside her classroom door when she received the news from Matsumoto. She had exclaimed out of joy, her voice shaking with relief from the agonizing wait. She had thanked him tenderly. Over and over again. She wanted to see them and asked which hospital they were sent to. It seemed like he had offered to come by the orphanage and take her to them She didn’t try to stop him and told him she’d be waiting.
A weight has been lifted off him. Knowing Mei and her husband were now free also brought him huge relief. Mei had always treated him more and more like a friend ever since he saved Mao. So he’d also been waiting for news.
But with his relief comes a certain defeat that still Matsumoto was the one who’d stepped up. He should have known that whatever Mao asks of him, he won’t even hesitate. Putting his men right to work; wanting results in mere hours. They were lucky Aaron Yan and his men weren’t that keen on covering their tracks. Though it was unsettling just how everything fell into place…
He pushed off the wall and carefully peeked in. She was standing by the windows, looking out thoughtfully. He saw her take a deep calming breath but her face betrayed the weight in her heart.
“What are you doing?”
He wasn’t usually this jumpy but he had been really caught this time. He closed his eyes anticipating being impaled by an accusing stare and turned around. The kid was frowning up at him. His suspicious nature springing up again. He took a look inside the classroom and immediately pulled back.
“Oh my God. You are seriously asking for a beating.”
He seems to forget he was just a kid.
“Lower your voice down.” He said, exasperated. “Aren’t you supposed to be in your room already sleeping and not inflicting your presence upon me?”
“I saw Sensei’s classroom light was still on-“
“Oh, you’re one to talk.” He gave a glare. “You’ve been standing here watching her inside. Major creepy! And I think she needs to kno-“
Pi clamped a hand over his mouth. He pulled him further away from the door frame. The kid was struggling and for the first time he told him the truth.
“I’m worried, okay?”
Yuki stopped to fight him. He looked quite off guard to actually hear him finally admit to something he’s been hinting at him all along. He aimed a questioning frown up at him. Pi slowly took his hand away.
“Something’s happened and your Sensei… Well, she has a lot on her mind right now.”
“What happened?” Yuki’s protectiveness of his Sensei coming out. “Why don’t you go in and talk to her instead of lurking by the doorway?”
It took a while for him to think to answer when Yuki came up with his own.
“I change my mind. I don’t want to hear about your perverseness.”
Pi narrowed his eyes dangerously. Yuki took no notice and made to start forward. Pi stopped him. What was he up to?
“I’m just going to see, okay? Unlike you, I’m really worried.”
Pi didn’t like what he was hinting at but he let him go. He came back after peeking in, looking quite concerned as well.
“Shouldn’t we do something about it?”
Pi remained silent. Not willing to admit to himself that maybe, just maybe, he really didn’t have the power to change anything for her… He didn’t have the power to make her forget… He stared absently at the new drawings that covered the opposite wall. Something caught his eye and a small hopeful smile lined his lips.
Mao was startled to hear the light thwack that sounded when something landed on the window ledge. She frowned at the paper plane, a look of amused disbelief then flitted across her face. She turned towards the door expectantly, waiting for Pi to appear with his usual look of intentional indifference.
The way her heart dropped like that caught her by surprise. Realizing that she had been wanting to see him, feeling like his presence would be a welcome change. She needed to anchor her emotions down before she goes to see her jie and Lun Ge. But he hadn’t appeared before her ever since Jun had taken her jie to see Aaron Yan after making sure things will be going as planned. His absence has just dawned on her; everything had been a blur, having too much on her mind. Though Yuki being here was better. Much better, she tells herself.
“Yuki? Why aren’t you in bed?” She asked as she picked up the paper plane. She then started towards him.
“Sensei, why are you still here? Is everything okay…?”
“Yes, everything’s fine now. Don’t worry about it.” She crouched down in front of him as she ruffled his hair. She then gave a smile. Her hands turned over the paper plane carefully. “What’s this about?”
“Oh, that.” In his mind, he rehearsed the explanation Pi had come up with, decided it was just not going to work, and didn’t even bother. “It’s your bodyguard, Yamashita. He said you’d feel better after seeing that. I thought he’s messing with my head, given that he tried not to take credit for this idea. But, it seemed to work…, didn’t it?”
Yuki peered at his Sensei’s face and noticed a slight change. Small yet significant. Which made him realize he hadn’t been keeping a close enough watch on the bodyguard.
“Sensei, are you telling him secrets that I instead should know?” He sounded indignant. He had made a lot of progress it would seem. Maybe he should get him fired. But then again, he did make his Sensei’s mood lighten a bit… But maybe that could be because of his presence right now as well. Yeah.
“Sensei, should I be worried?” He then asked when she merely gave a light chuckle.
Something flashed across her eyes before she gave another smile.
“No, Yuki. There’s absolutely nothing to be worried about. You’re still my favorite. And thank you for this…” She gave his cheek a loving pinch and got up. “Now, I’m going to take you back to your room. It’s already late. Come on.”
She turned her head left and right, as if still expecting to see him in the halls. She smiled down at Yuki to cover that. Pi heard them and peeked out from the opposite end, following their backs as they talked animatedly; his eyes falling on the paper plane she held tightly in her right hand.
“Everything went according to plan?”
Zun watched as Yan poured himself another glass of sake and gave a nod. “Yeah, but I don’t think Matsumoto’s buying it. Come on, Da Ge. Even I’m not buying it. What’s the point to this plan of yours? It’s not as if you can do any drastic retaliation just because he interfered in some minor deal. Some minor rigged deal, I may add.”
“Granted I had a bit of fun putting things into play though I never really thought the musician would be the key to making this work,” he continued, downing the sake. The rest of his men behind them were also enjoying a few bottles Zun had brought.
“Anything to do with Inoue Mao can be used to get to Matsumoto,” Zun offered, picking up his glass.
“It’s always a woman, huh?” He mused, his glass hovering inches from his lips as he thought of something. “A guy’s downfall. Even the musician did it all for his wife… Speaking of his wife, I would have liked to have fun with her for a while longer. Too bad Matsumoto was able to quickly sniff out the intentional tracks we left.”
He gave a laugh as Zun observed him over the rim of his glass.
“Yeah, I did hear you changed the stacks. Am I sensing a little crush here?” Zun gave a mild smile.
“Nah. Just reminded me of someone back home.” Yan sheepishly ruffled his own hair. And it’s been a while… “You know how deep an impression some women can leave.”
Yan picked up his glass as if to toast. Zun’s hand paused for a while, ignored Yan’s gesture and tossed down his drink.
Yan realized he’d hit a nerve. The sake must be having its effect on him. He immediately jumped to a new topic.
“I bet Nagase will be ecstatic, if we ever find a way around this. He really can’t stand Matsumoto. But you gotta admit, the man has his charm.” Yan gave a mirthless smirk. “I gather you do have a plan seeing as you’re not too worried.”
“You could say that.”
He seemed able to breathe when Zun seemed to let that go. He poured more sake. “Matsumoto for Nagase. Kaneshiro for you. You really think you can get to him through Matsumoto? Through this? I think I’m still missing something here.”
Zun slowly stood up and checked his watch. “That’s because I haven’t told you the whole plan yet.”
“What is it then? How are you going to pull this off?” Yan looked up at him and saw something flash in his eyes. What was that? Guilt? Shame? But then he was the Da Ge he knew again.
“I can’t really stand aside and not exact revenge on Matsumoto when I find out he’s killed my right hand man, can I?”
“Wha-“ His eyes widened; understanding dawning on him as he looked into Zun’s gun. His head snapped back as the bullet entered between his eyes. The rest of his men were gunned down in a hail of bullets.
The gunshots and cries stopped.
Zun lowered his gun, his face void of any emotion as he watched Yan’s blood trickle down to the floor.
BlueMiku here!
ReplyDeleteAh... I just have to say.. You seriously make my life better. And I'm not kidding. It's amazing what a story can do to make you feel better. I'm kind of going through things and I'm generally quite stressed out. And when I check your stories for an update.. and sees that it acutally is a new chapter this time.. I just get so happy. So I really want you to know that you're really doing a great thing by sharing your passion, maybe for more people than just me. I just want you to know that you're making a huge difference in peoples life. :) And maybe all this sounds crazy, haha.. But I hope you will understand what I'm saying. And I think I've said similar things to you thousand times before, but that just means you keep doing great stuff and I love you for it!
And about the chapter... MaoPi <3 It's getting really exciting between them and I can't wait!!! As said before: Amazing writing <3
Haha, this was a long comment but you deserve all praise you can get :D Hugs!
yay! yipee! woohoo!
ReplyDeletecouldn't believe my eyes when i saw a new chapter - my greedy lil eyes couldn't wait to read it ;)
I'm rooting for mao and jun though - they have that elemental chemistry that no one could break; not even yamapi and how good he looks in a wet shirt *blushes*
I really, really, really hope jun and mao get back together; hell I'd be happy if they get locked in a room together to vent out all their sexual frustrations on each other *sighs*
looking forward to more greatness from you - and only you can provide it!
*whispers* Don't listen to nikoru1205 xD Haha, it must be Mao and Yamapi! Hahah
ReplyDelete@BlueMiku, It's officially official, I love you.Haha!I understand what you mean,that with so many things going on in our lives you just need an escape.And writing sorta is an escape for me when everything's just blah so I'm REALLY happy to hear that at least I make your life a little better.:)You don't know how much that means to me.Your comments and your appreciation for my fiction gives me that too.It's like all those times trying to squeeze my brains out is all worth it!I wish I could still do my part as I try to finish this story.And thank you for still sticking with me,despite the lack of updates for manymany moons.Hehe!And omo!You're voting for MaoPi!:D
ReplyDelete@nikoru1205, I loled at your comment!Hmmm...I'm still torn...So torn...I just follow where the story takes me.And I really want to see the end too!Haha!Thank you for your comment.It really helps me get through!