“Your Spongebob board shorts are all packed in so it’s time to go. You said we’ll squeeze in a light lunch before going to the airport… “ Mao’s teasing voice trailed off, stopping in her tracks. She pushed her sunglasses onto her head, unable to believe what she was seeing.
“Mao…” Jun had managed to tear his gaze away from his laptop screen and locked with her reproachful eyes.
She knew what that “Mao” meant. She’s heard it countless times before.
“No, no, no, no, no.” Her brows snapped together. Crossing her arms across her chest, she advanced on him. She went around his desk and stopped in front of him. He turned to her and looked up; guilt written all across his face.
“We have been planning this for months and we are going to Okinawa.” Her voice was firm; there will be no discussions. But the look he was giving her right now made her want to stomp her foot on the carpeted floor in frustration. This was not going to go her way.
“But I can’t just leave right now. There’s been-“
She threw her beach bag onto the table, ensuring it landed right on his laptop.
“You can’t just-“
Mao stopped him from turning back towards his table. She was the one he was supposed to be more concerned with. He grudgingly looked up at her again. The steely gaze she was giving him keeping his mouth shut.
“We are going. You promised you won’t bail out on me again.”
“Well, back then I didn’t know we would be facing a problem at this moment, did I?”
Silently cursing the situation right now, she bit her lip lightly. The situation seemed serious enough for Jun to actually cancel on her. Again. Honestly, she’s already lost count. But she won’t go down without a fight. Maybe she should try a different approach. Her eyes flicked towards him.
A softer approach…
She then leaned down towards him slowly. Her voice suddenly turning coy.
“Are you telling me you’d much rather go find your associates right now and compare the size of your guns than go to Okinawa with me?”
Jun gave her an exasperated look. “We don’t compare the size of our- Is that what you think we do?”
“Yes,” she replied without missing a beat, turning on one of the cute smiles that she knows Jun can’t fight. “What else is there? You’re probably just going to have a staring contest trying to intimidate the other, wave some guns around, maybe smoke a few cigars and then go home and repeat the whole damn thing all over again tomorrow. And you didn’t answer my question.”
The irritation started to swell in him. “Mao…”
She sensed that. She knew it was the stress speaking. He’s got a lot on his mind lately. This is why he needs this vacation too. Why can’t he see that?
“Don’t “Mao” me.”
He looked startled as she climbed up onto his lap, settling comfortably, her hands resting on his shoulders; she gave a light pout. He leaned back against his chair, giving a sigh. He knew she would try this. He averted his gaze, trying not to be affected by those eyes of hers. But he couldn’t ignore the feel of her toned thighs against the thin layer of his pants.
“What are you doing?”
Mao was loosening his tie. “You won’t need this where we’re going. You’re going to go change right now.”
His hands went to her waist, his eyes imploring. “I know how much you’ve been anticipating this, but Mao, I really can’t right now… I promise the trip will happen. Just not as planned. I’ll go over the new plans with you tonight, okay? We’ll be out of here next week.”
Next week? She’s heard that before. She wanted to go right now. She’s always allowed him to push their plans before but today, well, today she’s just had enough.
“I’ve already booked us a couple’s massage.” She pulled the tie down and unbuttoned his shirt.
“There’s a Jacuzzi in our room. Imagine how relaxing that would be…” She bit her lip, smiling at him with her eyes. Her hands had gone around his neck, her fingers teasing the hairs close to his nape. “Maybe we can cancel the massage and improvise on our own…”
He was loving the sensation but he had to focus and be firm. “It sounds wonderful and we’ll have that next week.”
“Don’t you want that now…? Tonight…?” She deliberately moved around, sliding closer towards him.
Jun couldn’t help it. A languid smile broke his lips. His hands slid down to her exposed thighs, loving the feel of her skin; belatedly grateful that she was wearing jean shorts.
“Are you trying to seduce me into going?”
“Maybe…” The provocative smile came alive on her lips. She stopped herself from scowling at the look on his face. Like she wouldn’t be able to do it. She leaned in close to his ear; her lips almost kissing it. “Maybe I just can’t wait till next week… I have a lot of plans for us…”
“Like what?” He asked when she pulled back. His devilish grin challenging her.
He wasn’t cooperating! But the slow heat emanating from him and his hooded gaze told her he was more than curious. She bit her lip almost seductively. She’ll teach him to act unaffected.
Jun almost groaned when she took her hands away. They had been playing with his hair and he hadn’t wanted her to stop. She took his tie in her hands and gave a wicked smile. Jun gave a throaty laugh as she placed it over his eyes.
The tie was in place. Mao stuck her tongue out at him, knowing he wouldn’t see.
“This isn’t anything new, really,” he reminded her, a smug smirk on his lips.
She made a face at him. She shifted slightly, accidentally on purposely brushing a hand against him and she felt his muscles leap at that.
“I just want you to feel everything…” She said, breathily close to his ear once more. Her hands making their way up his chest; clawed fingers sending a shiver through him.
He tried not to swallow. The giddy curiosity burning in him he tried to quell. This isn’t the time… but then she shifted again. Not knowing it was due to the fact she was trying hard not to strangle him.
She wasn’t supposed to be doing this. She should be having those crab cakes she was craving and getting ready to document every second of their trip. Her narrowed eyes focused on him, deliberating on what to do next, as he waited. Seducing him really wasn’t in the itinerary.
He felt her warm breath close to his ear once more, suddenly realizing he may end up on the losing end. He might not have thought this through.
Now he was sure. And he tried to salvage whatever chance he has to stop it from spiraling into something he has no control over. How could he have forgotten the fact that she has always and can always easily make him feel like an oversexed fourteen year old?
“Okay, you’ve proven your point. You really want to go but I-“
She stopped his hand from taking the tie off. His eyes shut tighter as the soft giggle escaped from her lips; fairly certain that she’s got him. Her hands were slowly massaging his chest, going up and down in rhythmic strokes; intended to awaken something in him. They suddenly stopped and his protest almost spilled from his lips.
“You’ve got me thinking about it and now you want me to stop…?” He felt her press closer, her hands still splayed on his chest. Her breath tickling his ear. “I can’t, Jun… You’ve been so busy lately and I… I miss you…”
“Now I can’t stop imagining you… Lying down on our hotel bed with me on top of you… Just like this… Only…” She gave a low chuckle. “Only there’s nothing separating us… And I can feel you under my fingertips… Can almost taste you…”
Jun tried hard not to swallow convulsively as she slowly slid a finger down. Resenting the fact his shirt was in the way.
“Are you imagining it too…?”
“No, I’m imagining Ohno picking his nose.” His body was not though.
Mao stifled a giggle at his dry comment. But she heard a slight catch in it. And she could feel his right thumb slowly circling her inner thigh as if saying he wanted more.
“And I’m imagining dipping my head and brushing my lips on your neck, trailing down to your chest… Grazing my teeth against a sensitive spot and then taking it into my mouth…” Her hands followed her words down to the very same spot, feeling his hardening body under her. His hips seemed to be gravitating towards her and she gave a satisfied smile. “I can taste you again…”
The ache in her voice almost made him moan. He couldn’t seem to make his throat work and tell her to stop. His body had been in need for her for a while now… That need just wasn’t magnified until now… He drew in a shaky breath.
“And I’m making my way further down… Taking you in with my mouth, my teeth, my tongue… Sliding down your skin… Past your navel…” She gave a small whimper. His fingers dug into her thighs as her hands made their painstakingly slow way down. “Further down…”
His hips bucked slightly into her hands as they stopped there. His chest rising and falling in a fast rhythm. His heart pounding.
“And then…”
He didn’t know if he wanted to know. Something was threatening to burst out of him. The throaty moan tore from him when she took his earlobe gently into her mouth. Showing him how she was going to play with him… She then slipped her tongue out flicking it skillfully. His body arched involuntarily; his hands sliding to her bottom. Her lips clamped on the fold of his ear, her moist breath leaving a trail, sucking and licking as she made her way back to his earlobe and up again. She reeled him in further with her tongue plunging into his ear over and over again. The small moans she makes adding further to his heightened senses. Her body’s movements causing friction against his rock hard thighs. And when her teeth met his earlobe, he emitted a low growl and clamped her bottom tighter; pulling her closer to his painful arousal. His name on her lips… Her body pressing closer, wanting to ride him further… His fingers went to the button of her shorts, intending to take them off soon. He moaned again as her mouth and tongue continued to torture him and he sank his teeth into her shoulders. The button on her shorts had come off and his fingers had started to slide in when a sound from the laptop broke into his drugged mind.
He suddenly stopped; an effort of superhuman level. His hands went to her arms and he held her back. He took one hand away and pulled the tie down; his breathing labored as Mao looked at him with a delicious stare, a lazy smile on her lips. She licked her lips a bit and gave him a not so innocent look. He willed his body not to react to that, ignoring the stabbing pain going through him.
“There’s something I really need to do, Mao.”
He almost lost it when she gave a shy giggle and peeked under her lashes at him. Was she blushing? Oh, God. It was hard for him to collect his thoughts when her hands are still on his hips. When she is still on him. He tried not to think about pushing her onto the table and ravaging her. The desire to take her then and there still pulsating through him.
“So, are you going to get changed yet? We might be late for our flight.”
He gritted his teeth. Mao was purposely moving her hands closer to his- “Who says we’re going?”
She looked down at the obvious sign and bit her lip. He was still trying to fight it. She met his gaze, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and raised a brow. He fought the need to claim those stubborn lips of hers.
“Because if we don’t go, how are we going to finish…?”
“We can do it right here, right now. I swear to God I’m going take you, pin you to the floor and drive into you so deep till you’re senseless. I’m going to make you scream so hard and when we’re done you won’t be able to walk anymore. I will do it, Mao.”
It really wasn’t much of a threat. He just needed to let out what he is dying to do.
She looked at him and smiled knowingly. “Let’s see you try then.”
His hips seemed to be looking for hers again.
“But what makes you think I will let you? The only place I’ll let you do whatever you want is in Okinawa. So…”
He frowned at her. He can’t see an end to this. He tried to calm his body down but sees no remedy to that either. The frustration hit harder. He covered his face with a hand.
“Just go. There’s no use talking to you,” he snapped.
“Are you serious?”
He put his hand down and looked at her, glaring at him. The irritation came back to him. The problem he needs to be dealing with looming above him coupled with the frustration that only she can ease was making it hard for him to be understanding towards her anymore. It’s a done deal. They’re not going and she can’t make him change his mind. He doesn’t want to go over it again and again. He already told her they will go next week.
“Yes. If you can’t understand how important it is for me to stay here then there’s really nothing to say anymore. We’re not going. And you know what, if you can’t appreciate my offer of going next week then forget about that too,” he said, clenching his jaw, trying to forget the stiffness in his body.
Mao’s eyes flashed. “You have the galls to be all high and mighty about that? This isn’t the first time you’ve cancelled. Paris, Bangkok, New York- I can’t even remember the last time you’ve kept a promise! You always swore to me it’s going to be the last time and I actually believe you! You can’t even give me three days?”
“It’s not about that! This is something very important and I have to be here-“
“More important than spending our time together? Your work is more important than us?”
“You’re twisting my words. I didn’t say that-“
“Funny, because ever since, your work seems to always come before us. Before me!”
“Oh, so that’s what this is all about?”
“Wipe that expression off your face or I will. Don’t make it sound like I’m purposely trying to be difficult.”
“You are purposely trying to be difficult instead of just understanding-“
“Fine! Why do I always have to be the one compromising? Is it so wrong for me to be selfish for once? To actually want what I want when I want it. You can’t choose them over me. It’s not supposed to work that way!”
“You sound like a child right now!”
“Don’t you use that condescending tone on me!”
The door to the study suddenly opened.
“Jun, there’s something we need to-“
“Close the door!” Mao and Jun simultaneously shouted.
Ohno looked up from the paper he was poring over to find Mao sitting on top of Jun; the two of them glaring at each other.
“Okay, I don’t even want to know.” They heard him say as he made to close the door; Aiba’s voice ringing out asking what was up.
They continued to glare at each other in silence when his laptop sounded again. Mao’s eyes snapped to it. In a flash, she had shoved her bag aside, snapped the laptop shut and had taken it in her hands.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Jun demanded, seeing the dangerous glint in her eyes.
She thrust her chin out and raised her hands high above her head, wanting to just smash the damn thing onto the floor.
“Oh, that’s mature.” Jun said; his voice icy. “Put it down.”
Her stomach churned at the sound of his voice, at the sight of him. She slammed it none too gently back on the table as Jun’s eyes flashed. She instantly pushed herself off him; not wanting to touch him or even look at him. Grabbing her bag, she stalked off towards the door, feeling his gaze boring into her back. Jun’s eyes closed at the sound of the door banging shut. Cursing out loud.
Moments later, Ohno tentatively opened the door. Jun was still glowering at the wall and didn’t seem to hear him. He cleared his throat as he walked in; knowing it really isn’t the time to be pushing Jun but they had a schedule.
“Jun,” was all he said.
Jun’s eyes snapped to him. It had taken him a moment to realize what Ohno was doing there. His brow creased.
“I’ll meet you outside. Give me fifteen minutes.”
Ohno looked at him and thought it best not to challenge that. He heard the door close, thankful that Ohno didn’t ask any questions. It would have been awkward telling him it’s because he needed a cold shower first.
Or twenty.
Mao flipped through the channels absently. She was curled on the couch, hugging her sweater closer to her. The next second she felt the couch move. Someone had sat next to her. She ignored him. Didn’t acknowledge that there’s anyone in the room with her, much less seating next to her. The television was a blur of programs in front of her.
His hand closed in on her left one and she immediately pulled away. She moved away from him and of course he followed. She inched away once more; he was going where she was. A few more inches and she’d met the end of the couch. His hand shot out and stopped her, knowing she was going to stand up. She tried pulling away but his hand tightened over hers even more.
She glowered at the television. A cooking show was on. His hand remained over hers for the next fifteen minutes as they sat in silence. Both pairs of eyes trained on the cooking show; not really taking in any of the program. His fingers curled tighter.
The next instant, she was hitting his arm with her other hand. Punching, punching harder, pinching, using the remote control as a weapon. She did this for a while more and he just sat there and let her take her frustrations out. She gave a huff when she felt satisfied and was back to glowering at the television as if the chef’s mustache was offending her.
Another half hour had passed; he never once took his hand away and she never tried to pull away again.
“I don’t particularly like you right now.” She suddenly announced to the room.
His thumb had started stroking her hand again.
“And I hate your unibrow.”
He gave her hand a light squeeze.
“You have freakishly thin feet.”
She felt his shoulders move.
“You have poofy hair.”
He intertwined his fingers with hers.
His mouth claimed hers, his other hand reaching up to cup her jaw. She pushed him away, glaring, and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.
“You don’t get to kiss me yet!”
“It’s the only way I can get you to stop trying to insult me.” He gave a melting smile; wanting to get into her good graces again. Honestly, it was hard to concentrate the whole day knowing she’s fuming over him.
“I can say whatever I want because you were being a jerk.”
“I’m sorry,” he said earnestly. He gave the back of her hand a chaste kiss. “I know you’ve never really asked for this but-“
“It’s just the way it is…” Her voice suddenly sobered up. Something flickered in the back of her eyes. She turned to him and gave a small smile. Almost tired… “I know… I’m just… I know it’s not something you wanted too… And I apologize for acting the way I did but I guess everything just snowballed and…”
She looked down at his hand and clasped it tighter.
“I know you want things to be different, Mao…”
“It’s okay.” She looked up at him. The smile she gave wavered a bit. She understood his loyalty to his father’s legacy, his loyalty to his men… Her moment of weakness was unfair to him she knows. But she just needed to feel the resentment, to let out her deepest desire that they can have a life outside of this one…
Jun observed her for a moment more.
“I was serious about next week. We’ll have that trip.”
She gave a nod. “Okay then.”
Her smile was extra bright, but he saw the look that told him she doesn’t believe it anymore. Won’t fully believe it anymore. She wasn’t going to get her hopes crushed like that again. He tugged at her hand gently, his gaze locking with hers. She understood that look. The look that’s asking for her not to tire of this… Not to tire of him…
He has no need to ask that…
She indicated for him to place his arm over her shoulders, smiling lovingly at him. She burrowed into him, nuzzling the crook of his neck, taking in his scent. He leaned his head on hers and closed his eyes as she whispered softly.
Contentment fell on the both of them. Her hand went over his waist as he pulled her closer. She could stay like this forever…
“So…,” he then said against her temple after a few minutes of contented bliss. “Are we going to pick up where we left off earlier…?”
A throw pillow ran smack into his face, muffling his playful laughter.
Jun rubbed his face with a hand tiredly. He blinked at the laptop in front of him, checking the time. It was almost eleven in the evening; Mao should be home by now. But her worry over Lun and Mei was probably keeping her there. He leaned against his chair and rested his eyes.
He didn’t want to allow himself to have the chance to think about what has happened but the thoughts just keep pressing in. Ohno had voiced his firm opinion that they have to look at every angle first before actually taking any action. The rumors were not without cause and the situation just screamed trap. Wu Zun’s side wouldn’t make a move without calculations. And they have to do the same.
But the longer they wait for another alternative… The more in danger Lun and Mei would be no matter what is said. Even though it goes against better judgment, he had to step in. Whatever they do, Wu Zun will find a way to get to them. But he won’t sacrifice two lives just so he can avoid what was inevitable. He remembered the look Ohno had given him when every lead turned up too easily. But he had decided…
His eyes snapped open. He heard the front door closing. His eyes went to the door of his study; he had left it open, in the hopes that Mao would see the light and know he was still up. That he was waiting for her… Hoping she will come and find him… He heard her hesitant steps walking towards the staircase. His gaze was still fixed on the door. Willing for her to appear in front of it. He couldn’t hear a sound. He was holding his breath.
His heart pounded when he finally saw her peeking in tentatively.
He kept his voice steady; feeling like his heart was going to give out. “How are they?”
She slowly stepped in, a wobbly smile on her lips. “Better.”
Her jie has got Lun Ge back. That was the only thing she wanted. She had talked to the doctor in charge of Lun Ge as soon as she got to the hospital. He was stable now but the effects of the injury to his hand were still too early to tell. It was broken in two places; they can’t say if his hand will be able to function like it used to. But with therapy, chances are there.
She had started for their room, mulling over this. A clatter from inside the room made her jog towards it. She stopped by the door; her jie was picking up Lun Ge’s food tray. She seemed to have dropped it, her emotions clearly still all over the place. She wiped her tears away, placing the tray on the bedside table. The bandaged Lun Ge had his eyes on her, waiting for her to turn towards him. He reached out his left hand when she didn’t move.
Mei had looked at his outstretched hand. She gave a sniff and reluctantly took it, stepping nearer to his bed. Lun carefully tried to sit up, his hand still clasping hers. Mei had asked him not to move around too much, his injuries… But he didn’t care; after the effort, he looked up at her, tears starting to form in his right eye. Mei bit her lip, stopping herself from crying out. Lun was pulling her to him and buried himself into her stomach, apologizing over and over again. Clinging to her. Mei had looked down at him and hugged his head to her, unable to hold back any longer.
She was almost in tears as she leaned against the wall outside, witnessing such a tender moment. They’ll be okay… It will always be okay in the end… As long as they have each other… She had waited for a while longer before going into the room to just hug the both of them.
“Mei Jie thanks you again…”
Jun gave a shake of his head.
“Really, Jun, thank you… I won’t forget this…“
He slowly got up from his chair. “I think our relationship goes beyond still having to thank each other like this. I don’t want to hear it again. We’re not strangers here.”
She gave a weak smile as she watched him walk towards her. His eyes full of concern. He stopped in front of her and looked down. Mao watched as he lifted his hand up, slightly unsure at first, and then gently brushed some of the hair that had fallen over her eye. Her thoughts went involuntarily to the scene at the hospital; Mei Jie and Lun Ge. Having someone close to you like that… To take away all the pain, all the exhaustion in one swift moment… Someone to hold you till you’re weak in the knees… She misses that… Truly misses that… And she can have that again, if she lets him…
Jun carefully reached down for her hand; covering it completely with his. He looked to her. She was looking at their hands together with an air of sadness. He looked back down. Before, if he holds on to her just long enough, she’ll soften with him… Whatever it fight they had… Whatever misunderstanding they encountered… Just holding on to her would fix it… And he wished with everything in him that it will be just like that again…
“Mao… About what you said… About us…” He couldn’t make himself meet her gaze. “I can’t understand and won’t try to understand what you’re trying to say… I know I’m being a bastard but I just can’t make myself do it… But I’ll wait… I’ll still wait for you… As long as I know you’ll stay with me…”
Mao’s chin quivered. She knew she had told him she won’t ask to leave… But he should understand that there is nothing between them anymore… She’ll be here… As someone who cares about him… But she won’t be his anymore…
“Do you know that you’re just hurting yourself?” She asked, her voice turning shaky. “Won’t it be easier for you to just let me go-“
“You said you won’t ask that anymore.”
“I know… But think of yourself… Do you think I like seeing you like this…?”
“Then come back…” He attempted at humor. His smile was gone in an instant at the look on her face.
If she lets him…
She could…
That part of her heart is still there…
But it just doesn’t feel right anymore…
Her eyes went down to their hands. Her heart gave a twinge. She gave a small tug. And then another before Jun released his hold.
“No, I’ll just wait too… Wait for you to finally decide to stop doing this to yourself and let me go…”
“I think you know how stubborn we both are…”
What lies ahead of them is truly unclear… Maybe she’ll forever be going down this road with him… Maybe he’ll finally see the light… It’s best not to think too much about the future…
It’s best just to live right now… Just learn to live…
She gave a resigned smile and turned to go. Jun raked a hand through his hair. His brows knitted together when he saw her pause at the doorway. She turned back to him.
“I was thinking of making soup earlier. I thought we both would need it. Do you want some…?”
This is why he’s always going to be stubborn about them…
His eyes softened at her. “Sure.”
The side of her lips lifted a bit. “I’ll call you when it’s done.”
“I’ll go with you right now…”
She didn’t think to refuse and stepped out of the room. Jun stood there staring at the spot she left just a second ago. He gave a smile at himself and moved his feet.
Mao looked up from her desk when she heard the door sliding open. She gave a bright smile, slightly startling Pi who hadn’t expected such a greeting. But having Miss Mei and her husband out of harm’s way probably is the main reason. There’s nothing like a new lease in life.
“Ohno?” she offered, wondering why he wasn’t with them when they came to the orphanage.
No, it wasn’t him this time. But he was on the same level with Ohno when it came to making things hard for him.
Sho had ordered him to go in the station earlier. He knew what a risk that was but the dangerously silky tone from the other line left him with no other choice. He’d come up with a lame excuse that a ‘friend’ was in a jam and needed him to sort things out a bit. He won’t be gone for long. One of the guards had agreed to cover for him for a while. But if he’s blown, it all falls on him.
There was no warm welcome for him, of course. Instead he was met with the throbbing vein in Sho’s temple as he asked why he never revealed the fact that the investigation he had presented to him yesterday had quite a few developments. He told him if he busted in on them so conveniently, there will be suspicions on his end. The police hadn’t been able to link the Matsumoto clan with Wu Zun’s side and if they are suddenly involved with a source from an anonymous tip… The risks are too high for him. He left out the part where he didn’t want Miss Mei and her husband getting tangled up in the investigation. They had enough trouble as it is. And grudgingly, he knows Matsumoto will be able to intimidate Aaron Yan more than any police force.
Sho then reminded him pointedly that the least he could have done was to report to him if there had been movements or changes. He seems to forget he works under him. He had apologized for that slip but was curious how Sho was able to get information on any developments. The news he relayed was disturbing.
Word on the street is Wu Zun’s side was claiming that Aaron Yan and his men couldn’t be contacted. Rumors have started spreading that there’s a high possibility that Matsumoto had something to do with it. It was suddenly known that Matsumoto had stepped over the rules and had been involved in a deal that he had no business with. Shaking things up further with Wu Zun’s side. Things were beginning to spiral out overnight and it could only turn uglier.
Matsumoto probably is well-informed of the situation already. If she gets wind of the news that he’s in trouble all because of what happened… It was another connection he doesn’t think he could break…
“They said you wanted to see me as soon as I got here,” he chose not to answer her question. Not wanting to make up a lie. He wants to avoid it as much as possible, no matter how small. It’s starting to be a problem for him right now; this lying to her part… As well as this wanting to see her because he was in a slightly foul mood part. And all that sums up to a whole other problem.
“Right,” she grinned, picking up a piece of paper in front of her. His eyes then fell on the paper plane from last night on top of a pile of books. Somehow his spirits lifted considerably. He watched as she walked around the desk and went towards him. She held the sheet out to him, asking him to take a look.
“I thought you might want to keep it, seeing as you’re the subject,” she said, her eyes twinkling a bit. “I’ve been meaning to give this to you. Nana, one of the younger girls in the class, drew this up about our two day trip.”
A mild frown creased his brow. He took a look at the drawing and now understood the reason behind that twinkle in her eye. His lips quirked.
“Is this how she sees me?” He asked with a straight face.
“A superhero?”
“No, a man that wears technicolored tights, a cape, and… am I holding a scepter?”
“Jewel-encrusted with little cats, I think.”
“It’s neon pink.”
“It’s pimp, right?” She was trying hard not to laugh.
“If it wasn’t neon pink.” He noticed how she was biting her lip to keep herself from laughing. “And wow, my superhero identity sounds really cool.”
“I’ll be finding it hard to have that trademarked.”
“You probably should include your tights. I bet everyone will be clamoring to wear those if word gets out.”
He gave a lopsided grin that lasted for about a nanosecond. And somehow Mao wished to see it for a whole lot longer. She bit her lip at that thought.
“You should thank Nana next time in class.” She smiled at him, and he liked the way her eyes crinkled. “She thinks you’re a superhero. That’s a long way from what my impression was.”
He looked amused at her words. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
“And maybe I’ll ask her to lessen the heel of my boots like about three inches,” he then added and she couldn’t hold it in any longer and gave a laugh.
The door suddenly slid open and both of their heads turned towards the sound. Mao’s eyes rounded in surprise when Ohno stepped into the room. His face was grimmer than usual.
“O-Ohno?” Her heart started hammering. Why would Ohno suddenly show up here? Has something happened already? Is Jun…? “What is it?”
“I’m just here to take you home.”
“You came to take me home. I think you’ve already put people for that job.” She looked relieved but gave a suspicious frown.
Ohno’s eyes flicked momentarily to Pi.
“We’re just being extra careful. For now. Don’t worry,” he headed her off before she jumps to any conclusion, “You understand how it is. With the recent events… It’s nothing.”
The reassuring smile he gave didn’t seem to convince her entirely. She gave a wary look as he indicated that they should leave. He observed the way she looked up at Yamashita and gave a small smile before turning to go. He followed her out with Yamashita behind him, rolling up a sheet of paper in his hands.
He gave a quick glance back at him, having half a mind to call him out. For what though? For being too familiar with Mao? For making her laugh again? He had frozen when he heard her laughter through the door; thinking he was just imagining it. It’s been so long since he’s heard it. And it just made him realize how he missed it. How they would make each other laugh like that.
Who knew someone like him could change things?
His eyes were on Mao’s back. But he could feel a little resentment… Somehow understanding Jun now… Because he was wishing the reason behind her laughing again was one of them… Not someone who’s barely known her…
Was it wise to just let things be…? Maybe for now… With what’s bound to come ahead of them, it will be better if she gets to laugh a little more… He’d like to hear it again…
Jun’s eyes went to the clock reading midnight. The slight happiness he’d felt last night was now long gone. His time together with Mao in the kitchen came so naturally that it was like nothing was standing between them. He’d immersed himself in that feeling, trying to wave away any thoughts weighing him down. He and Mao spending time together was what he wanted right…? But somehow, Mao managing to keep her resolve when it came to interacting with him was scaring him a little. Can she truly do it? Completely forget everything that’s between them… Leave that all behind for this kind of relationship with him…
For her, they will never be what they were before…
Can that actually be…?
He’d managed to stow away the nagging fears but a more alarming problem had broken out, not even allowing him to dwell further on their small moment. Seems like all their suspicions are coming true and they’ve been hell-bent on trying to settle the rumors. They can handle it; their group still commands a strong influence, but it’s not going to be easy. Wu Zun had them where he wants them to be. More complications were bound to arise.
He had wanted to see Mao but everything was in uproar and he didn’t want her to know just yet. For sure she’ll be blaming herself for allowing things to end this way. She was already in her room when he’d come home. He didn’t stay long in his, knowing he might not be able to stop himself from knocking on hers with all that’s been happening, ending up in the study for almost the whole night.
The door suddenly swung open; it came as no surprise to him for some reason. As if he’s known it was coming. He braced himself when he took one look at Ohno’s face. He stopped in front of his desk, a muscle in his jaw ticking
“Aaron Yan’s been found,” Ohno started. “Dead.”
Jun’s eyes grew darker.
There is going to be hell.
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