“Taiwan? You’re going back to Taiwan?”
Mei gave a kind smile at the way Mao tried to cover the disappointment in her voice. She shook her head when she tried to apologize. She herself had qualms about the idea. Leaving their life here is not something easy for her. Mao, the kids, and her general love for the place… How can she go?
“We’re just weighing our options, Mao. Nothing’s confirmed yet. We thought that maybe starting a new life in Taiwan is just what we need…”
Mao gave a small nod, but the thought still saddens her. She hoped she wouldn’t see them go… But it is their life… And if Taiwan is better for them, then she will be supporting them all the way… Just that, she was really going to miss them…
“Lun Ge’s asleep right now?” She peeked into the room.
“Yeah, that is one great example of a ‘zhu tou’ (pighead). After finishing his pudding, he’s all snores.”
The two girls gave a snicker. Her jie was back to bickering and joking around with her husband and it looks like everything is going to fall into place. Mao suddenly gave her a hug. Mei chuckled in surprise and embraced her back tightly.
“Jie, I’m sorry…”
Mei pulled back and looked at her. “Mao, I told you this isn’t your fault. Do not blame yourself.”
“But they trapped him and it feels like-“
“That’s all on Lun… Please don’t do this. You haven’t been anything but good to us. They preyed on Lun and he apologizes for being such a problem-“
“No, jie-“
They looked at each other and suddenly chuckled. This was never going to end between them. Mei reminded her that the important thing is everything’s alright now. Didn’t Jun say that they had handled everything? That’s what they should be focusing on. They should just leave everything in the past. Mao gave a bright nod at that. Mei’s eyes then caught something coming towards them. It was Pi, holding a small fruit basket, shaking off the water droplets from his coat. The rain had suddenly poured down that afternoon and it looked like it was far from stopping. She greeted him with a smile.
“Another one? We still haven’t finished the first one he gave. But thank him for me, anyway,” Mei said this to Mao.
And as if on cue, her phone rang. It was Jun calling and she excused herself. Mei gave a smile and went to place the basket inside the room. Mao walked past Pi, putting all effort in avoiding his gaze. Pi turned around discreetly, his eyes on her back. She stopped a short distance away and answered the call.
He sounded tired.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah… I just- I just thought of you…”
She bit her lip. “Mei Jie thanks you for the basket. But maybe next time you could change it up a bit. I see fruits overflowing Lun Ge’s bedside table.”
Jun chuckled at the hint of light-heartedness in her voice. “I forgot I’ve already sent fruits. I’ll keep that in mind.”
There was a pause in conversation. As if it was enough they know the other was on the other line.
“Where are you?”
“In the car.”
“No, something we need to handle first. Anyway, I just missed you…”
Mao closed her eyes. “Be safe…”
“I hope to see you when I get home… I didn’t see you last night.”
She caught something in his voice. “Okay…”
She put down the phone and slowly turned around. She looked up and was a bit startled to see Pi leaning against the wall and looking at her. He didn’t avert his gaze this time. She couldn’t read the expression in his eyes. Something close to last night… She immediately looked away; everything coming back to her. A hand went to her heart unconsciously and she started forward. She was almost in line with him. Her feet stopped when he spoke.
“Do you want to go get something to drink?”
Mao’s head snapped to him in surprise.
The bell announced there were new customers in the convenience store. Mao folded her umbrella, shaking off some of the water, and deposited it in a bin. She then took a left, running a hand through her slightly wet hair; the rain was a monster. She headed straight to the drinks at the back, with Pi behind her. They stopped in front of the different selections of sodas, juiceboxes, fruit juices, ciders energy drinks and water.
She took a glance at him; her lips quirked at the seriousness on his face when choosing a drink. Her eyes went towards the glass windows. The rain was really coming down hard. The strong winds weren’t helping either. They looked like they’ve gone for a swim in their clothes. Yet she didn’t feel that cold… They had shared her small umbrella after parking the car at a lot, a slight distance from the store; braving the elements. Why would he ask to go out in this weather? And why would she agree?
It had taken a moment for her to give her answer. It’s not exactly something she thought she’d hear from him. Maybe that’s why she said yes… Good thing, too, the guards didn’t give them a hard time and they were able to go, just the two of them. They’ve been quiet on the way here. She stole a glance again. What did he want?
“I think I’ll have a juicebox.”
“Grape juice?”
Mao gave a mild frown at him. “Yeah. That sounds good.”
He opened the display fridge and took one out. She reached for it; their fingers grazing each others. His eyes snapped to her and her heart gave a little jump. She couldn’t take it and decided to open the topic of what happened last night…
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Last night… I-I crossed a line. It was the wine, Hye, just the high I haven’t felt in a while… And- And I guess what I’m trying to say is…”
What is she trying to say? That it didn’t come from her…? That she was just feeling particularly reckless and was just playing…? That she doesn’t really think all that… But right now… Right now it feels as if she was back in that room… As if she wanted to be back in that room…
And it was alarming. All these feelings rushing through her right now… The one person she felt for like this was-
“So you’re buying then?”
Her eyes went to him, confused. “Huh?”
“Since you feel sorry, you should be buying me a drink then. And then- And then we can forget about it.”
His jaw had tightened slightly at that, as if that wasn’t really what he wanted to say. Forget about it… Did he take her out just to say that? Because it sounds impossible. It is impossible…
Mao’s eyes slid from him. Did she want that? Could she…? She took in a deep breath.
“Okay.” She said with a perky smile. “Take your pick then.”
She quickly turned around and headed for the counter. She placed the juicebox on it and took her wallet out. He appeared at her side; another grape juicebox was on the counter. Her lips gave an involuntary quirk; she can’t really imagine him sipping a juicebox. As she paid for the items, she gave him a sideway glance. He was looking at the juiceboxes with almost an amused smirk. They were about to step towards the door.
“Was it just because of those things?” His voice suddenly spoke, a slight urgency in them.
“What?” She asked slowly, turning to him.
“Was it just because of the wine, Miss Hye…? Or is there something more?”
Mao stood there, unable to speak as her eyes took in the expression on his face. He really wanted to know… He wanted to hear the truth… The sudden gust of wind that came in with another customer spoiled the moment.
Pi seemed to have come out of a trance, looking like he regretted his impulsiveness. He walked towards the umbrella without a word and stepped out. Waiting for her to come out; feeling a little agitated and once again at a lost. She slowly joined him under the umbrella. Both seemed adamant about not looking at each other.
The rain and wind surrounded them. Mao shut her eyes as the water sprayed them. They started their slow way against the onslaught. It felt like they were about to be blown off their feet. They haven’t made ten steps when their umbrella was turned inside out. The rain and wind were having their way with them.
She looked up and suddenly burst out laughing. The image of Pi still trying to hold on to their umbrella as he tried to keep his eyes open was just too funny. He could hear her laughing; her hands tugging at his arm and was shouting at him to just forget about the umbrella. He managed to close it amidst her laughter; he must have looked crazy. He threw the umbrella down; it was blown beyond repair. He heaved a sigh, water droplets spilling from his mouth as they stood there soaking.
Her eyes were filled with mirth, her shoulders shaking as she tried to steady herself against the wind. His lips lifted slightly, slowly and then he could hear himself laughing. Laughing under the rain. Laughing with her. Him.
She had looked at him, slightly in awe at the sight and then joined him. They probably looked crazy but they haven’t got a care right now.
“Should we run for it?”
The radiant smile she gave him was more than he could bear.
“Yeah, we should…”
“I hope this won’t take too long.”
Ohno caught the grim note in Jun’s voice as they entered the hotel. Wu Zun had set the time and place here. They started for the elevators.
“What did Da Ge say?”
“He’ll be coming in to sort things out with Wu Zun.” But that probably was what Wu Zun wanted; to have Da Ge out in the open. He’s using him to get to Da Ge. And if to get to that, he was hurting the reputation of their group then it was all the better.
“Da Ge has always been a little blinded with Wu Zun,” Ohno intoned as one of their men pressed for the elevator.
“Let’s hope this time he won’t be…”
Mao stopped running and just stood there on the sidewalk, a little out of breath. There was no escape from the rain and wind, but seemed like it wasn’t as bad as before. She heard him stop behind her. She turned towards the road, there were a few cars driving by but it felt like they were in their own world.
“This isn’t so bad, huh?”
Pi slicked back his hair and looked at her not quite understanding.
“The rain.” She stretched out her arms in front of her, palms out, feeling every drop. “It’s refreshing in a sense.”
Pi looked up, feeling the cold water on his face. Maybe he does understand what she means…
“I haven’t felt this free in ages.”
He looked back down at her. She had that contented smile on her face as she stretched her arms out to her side and closed her eyes, just taking in every feeling the rain and wind was giving her. As if they were just washing away everything… Every hurt... Every pain… Every sadness in her she could just feel flowing out of her… She turned her face towards the rain, dancing on the balls of her feet once in a while. She looked at peace with that small smile on her face.
He felt his throat constricting. Felt his feet starting to move. Towards her… Making his way slowly towards her… Unable to stop the pull she had on him… Not wanting to stop it any longer…
Jun stepped into the elevator; Ohno and the rest followed in. He watched the button for the restaurant on the third floor lit up. His mind going back to his phone call with Mao; suddenly wishing he didn’t have to be here. He looked absently at his watch. He’ll be home soon.
The elevator doors slid open.
A sudden movement from the men waiting outside.
Gunshots filled the small space. He felt the bullet go in his shoulder and then another. Someone jumped in front of him. A heat was slowly forming on his other side. He could feel the blood starting to flow. He had hit the elevator wall and slid down.
His men had jumped in front of the guns and pushed the assailants out of the way. The bullets entering their bodies. A couple of them were able to take their guns out and had started shooting. He looked down at his bloodied suit and hands. The gunshots had quieted down. The screams and shouts outside seemed faraway as his eyes slowly fell on Ohno.
He was on the floor, unconscious. Blood steadily soaking into his suit; some trickling down his mouth. His gun lying close to his hand. He pushed himself off and instantly slid to his side, checking his pulse. It was faint. His hands started applying pressure on the wounds. He’d taken most of the hits intended for him. Anguish rocked him as he shouted for Ohno over and over again. He took out his phone, wincing in pain. He shouted for someone to get help as well, panic and fear rising like waves in him, crushing him.
“Hold on, man. Hold on. Help is on the way,” he said over and over again.
The noises around him were deafening. He closed his eyes, feeling sickened. A wave of weakness hit him and the phone slid out of his hand. He felt his head slowly falling. He absently placed a hand on Ohno’s wound.
Hold on…
Hold on...
And everything went black.
Pi stopped in front of her. She hadn’t felt him; too engrossed in the light feeling she had surrounded herself with. His eyes roamed over her face; the rain trickling down her eyes, her cheeks, to her lips… He took another small step forward and leaned down, inch by inch.
The moment his lips met hers… He knew what he wanted… He knew where he wanted to be…
Her eyes flew open and she took a step back. Her hands clutching the front of her coat. She looked stunned, confused, scared… He stood there, not knowing what to do, his chest rising and falling; it was getting hard to breathe. And it got harder when he saw another look in her eyes…
Anticipation… Waiting… Waiting for him… For what’s coming next…
He took a tentative step forward. She didn’t back away. She didn’t run. She kept her gaze locked with his, a soft look in them. Mixed with a slight confusion; trepidation and yet… She didn’t move away. He was standing close to her again. Just inches…
He slowly leaned down… Her head tilted slightly…
His lips brushed hers lightly. Gently. The softness of her was doing so many things to him. Her eyes had fluttered close. His mouth claimed hers; shaping the contours of her lips with his. His eyes closed with the sensation; moving over every inch of her softly. She tasted so sweet…
He felt her hands clutch his coat. She gave a sigh and started to kiss him back. He felt an ache in him as she moved over him. The tender nips on his lips… Shattering something in him. He guided her lips to his shape again, slowly parting them. His hand moving up to cup her jaw but they just hovered ever so slightly… As if still unsure… Still afraid that if he touches her, he’ll find that she isn’t real… That she isn’t with him right now…
He felt her body press closer to his… Their kiss deepening. Two hearts pounding like crazy as they explored each other; gentle, poignant… With a deep need, a deep desire to let each other feel what the other was feeling…
He doesn’t taste the rain. Doesn’t feel the cold. Lost in just her… Her sweetness, her warmth… Letting her wash over him…
Wash away the pain…
Wash away the hopelessness…
Wash away the darkness he once knew…
I'm.... I'm kind of speechless. Sooo many emotions in this chapter and I'm about to burst! This last part.... Seriously, I had to pause and focus on my breath xD I lost it! It felt so real... And so intimate.. And so beautiful! They are so perfect for each other that I could die! But I'm so afraid that the truth will get to Mao.. About the plan that's going on in Pi's "team". And now Jun is hurt! Omg, how will she react?!?! And something just reminded me.. That dude that took pictures of her and Pi getting out of the elevator :'o Bah, my mind is everywhere xD And I got SOOO, I mean; SOOOOOO excited when I wound TWO new chapters to read :D I'm totally feeling spoiled xD Thank yoooou!! Forever greatful for the happiness you're giving me!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for the next chapter, can't wait! Take your time though, no preasure :D
Huge thanks and hugs! //BlueMiku
Okay, I'm going to be very selfish and say that I'm starting to suffer ;D Hahah, one could think I had nothing else to do!
ReplyDeleteFeel no preassure, friend, just ignore me! xD
Haha!You leave a comment and I give you a chapter!Hope you enjoy reading the latest!But it may be cliffhanger-ish...
ReplyDeleteAw.Thank you so much.I love reading giddy comments.Haha!And it's for MaoPi!Coz I'm beginning to think I'm not effective in writing about them.I wish to get the whole story out soon.But I just had to get Pi's past out.And here it is.Hope I gave it justice.I need a rest from the angst.Haha!But I want to share the following chapters too.Sigh.
omg I just completed chapter 22 & I can't sleep after reading this awesome awesome fanfic honestly this is the most story that has me crying laughing & angry. I know whats happening but I just don't want her to end up with Pi cause I feel by reading (my op) this that her & Jun will be together I feel it haha "nervous laughs..covers eyes" but I hope you don't change the ending cause I will be soooo sad :(.