“Huh? Oh, nothing,” Hye gave a distracted smile. She sipped her coffee, her eyes straying back towards the coffee shop’s entrance.
Her eyes narrowed slightly and a small smirk played on her lips. Pi was standing just outside, occasionally looking in. Was he making sure she’s playing up the buddy vibe with Mao or does he just want to look at Mao? Which he seems to be really enjoying. Who was she kidding? His whole body language just screams the answer.
“Nothing? You’re staring at Pi,” Mao pointed out in an amused voice. She glanced back; he had his back turned to them, looking around. Her eyes went back to Hye.
“Well, he’s nice to look at, isn’t he? Admit it,” Hye teased, winking.
“I guess so. Once you see past the aggravating attitude,” Mao answered, with almost a hint of fondness in her voice. Hye’s ears instantly picked up on that. She seemed to have seen the light twinkle in Hye’s eyes at her comment and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. “But it’s not like I’d want to stare at him or look at him for no reason. Right? I mean, why would anyone? Why would you?”
Hye’s adoration for her seemed to have gone another level as she watched her sip her coffee to cover her flustering moment. She gave a grin.
“Are you hinting at me not to stare or look at him? You can just say so, I don’t mind.”
Mao’s eyes snapped to her, sorta panicking at what she was suggesting. She really looked adorable trying to get out of this little teasing trap she made. “What are you saying? In which part did I say that?”
Hye gave a laugh as Mao swiped a cookie to nibble on. “I was just kidding! I’m not sure, but did you just call him ‘Pi’?”
“Yeah, it’s his nickname,” she gave a shrug. She’s been more comfortable settling on calling him by that. It just came out naturally once and she decided to stick with it.
“I seem to recall you were referring to him then as ‘Yamashita’,” Hye said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. The grin on her face seemed to quiver with the thought that she sees what’s going on.
“What?” Mao couldn’t help but give a laugh at the expression on Hye’s face. She comes up with the most imaginative and silly ideas. Calling him by his nickname doesn’t mean anything. Why is she putting meaning behind every little thing? She gave a playful glare as Hye laughed once more, saying she loves teasing her.
Hye was eyeing the cookies and Mao chanced a glance back at Pi. He had turned to look in at the same time. She immediately looked away, her heart slightly jumping. It was most probably the effects of the caffeine. Yeah. She took a bite of the sweet cookie.
“Ooooh, he’s coming in,” Hye beamed, looking at the direction of the entrance.
“He is?” Okay, she didn’t have to be nervous about that. What was wrong with her? She’s letting Hye’s teasing get to her; making her think of things that really don’t exist. Would never exist. She shook herself mentally.
She felt him first. He appeared at her side, his phone held out to her. She looked up at him, nonplussed.
“It’s Ohno. Your phone seems to be turned off. He asks to speak with you.”
“Ah. Must be the battery again. I’ve been meaning to have that fixed.” She took the phone, not noticing the way Hye’s eyes bounced between the two of them looking like she’s found an extra cookie.
She spoke with Ohno briefly. He was just making sure she was safe and reminded her to have her phone fixed so he can contact her anytime. Mao had gotten worried once more; was all this extra precautions necessary? She asked if something’s happened, that he should just be straight with her but Ohno reassured her again. She was handing the phone back to Pi when someone bumped into him from behind.
“Oh, I’m sorry-“
“Ji Hoon?” Mao exclaimed, surprised, failing to notice the glare Pi had fixed on Hye. She stuck her tongue out a bit; she conveniently forgot to tell Pi this part of her plan. “I didn’t expect to see you in these parts.”
“Yeah, I’m meeting a client later for lunch. Just getting my morning coffee while I sort out some last minute details. It’s nice to see you again. Been a while,” Ji Hoon gave a smile; he could almost hear Pi’s jaw cracking from the way he was clenching it as he stood to the side.
“Would you like to sit with us for a bit?” Mao invited, indicating to the chair beside them. She wasn’t that familiar with Ji Hoon, other than knowing he was the lawyer her father and Uncle Kousaku usually raved about. Their level of interactions were more on the polite casual side, but she knew he was rather close to Jun, Ohno and Aiba. She thought she should at least offer an invitation.
Ji Hoon settled down with a grateful smile and Mao introduced him to Hye. They shook hands and Mao noticed the way their fingers lingered for a while. It must be just her imagination. But she observed the two that had struck a conversation easily; seems like they got quite a rapport going. Hye had unconsciously turned her whole body to Ji Hoon. Mao bit back a smile at her friend. But was suddenly startled as Pi loudly stated that he needed to use the washroom. She followed his back, looking a bit confused then turned to the conversation in front of her.
“I’m going to need a bit more sugar,” Hye excused herself after a while more of talking with Mao and Ji Hoon. She stood up and went towards the condiments bar, which was conveniently stationed close to the corner that leads to the bathroom. She took a packet of sugar and surreptitiously glanced back. Ji Hoon seemed to have Mao’s attention. Before she knows it, she was being pulled out of sight.
“Explain,” Pi said tersely, wanting to understand what Hye was up to.
“Why are you so wound up?” She tried to stall. Honestly, she didn’t know what made her do this. Well, she knows obviously after giving it a lot of thought but it’s a bit silly and she knew Pi will never understand and will never approve.
It’s been a while she had someone she can consider a close girlfriend. Someone to just drink coffee with, hang-out with, talk about nail polish with or check out cute guys with. Just be girls, in short. She’s found Mao and pushing aside Pi’s plan, she really just likes spending time with her. She sincerely hoped there wasn’t any underlying reason they’ve become friends; sometimes wishing things were different. But no matter how this started, Mao’s truly someone she is starting to really care about.
Along with that, she has this naïve side to her that wants Mao to at least ‘get to know’ Ji Hoon, a.k.a the boy she is interested in, who’s interested in her too but he’s not making any move friend. As if wanting to know what her opinion is about him and maybe eventually talk to her about things she’s never found anyone to talk to about yet. And in turn, she just wants Mao to see her as someone she can share her burdens with. Someone she can share anything with.
She can just imagine what expression will come across Pi’s face if she tells him the real reason. But Mao wasn’t the only one who needs a friend all along…
“This doesn’t make any sense. Why would you risk building a connection between the two of them? All it does is bring attention,” Pi said, somehow feeling today isn’t the last of it. He’s given up on actually trying to come up with an explanation and is skeptical Hye can come up with a good one too.
Hye rolled her eyes. She’s definitely thought about that too, but it’s too far-fetched that they’d make anything out of such a small encounter. Pi could just be overreacting. It comes with the undercover thing.
“You honestly think they’d make a connection with you and Ji Hoon over this? You and your conspiracy theories,” she attempted at light-heartedness.
“Ohno’s been keeping a close watch on me, on anything that comes up a little out of the ordinary. And if Ji Hoon starts hanging around you and Mao, he’s bound to at least try to find out why.”
“That Ji Hoon could just be interested in Mao’s pretty and fun friend,” Hye tried to dismiss his fears.
“Yeah and imagine if he starts looking into you.”
“He’s already had Ji Hoon do a check on me once.” Hye gave a frown.
“Seems to me he’s become a little doubtful of Ji Hoon’s capabilities in giving a thorough background check. I know for a fact he’s already had someone do another digging into my background. He’s growing a little more than wary of me. His protectiveness of Mao is to blame.”
“But I’m confident he won’t find what he wants,” he added. “Just that if he’s had me investigated again, chances are he’s going to do it with you, it’s going to be too risky. You and Ji Hoon have a history. If that didn’t come up in his first check on you, then he’s bound to suspect something is up.”
“But you’ve covered all those when I got this new life. Are you saying that doesn’t help?” Hye’s eyes showed the first trace of concern.
“That’s why it’s too much of a risk. I don’t know who his sources are this time. We never know what could happen. So please, Hye, whatever it is you’re thinking, just stop.”
Hye looked away from him. He had a point. Too much of a point. Which doesn’t help her at all. Can everything not just be so complicated? But they still haven’t got anything on Pi… Maybe it would be the same when it came to her… If he even decides to put an extra effort on her… But Pi was right about the protectiveness of those around Mao… She sighed inwardly. She didn’t want to make a decision right now and opted for a distraction instead. She was curious about something too.
“Did you just call her ‘Mao’?” Hye queried, a smile suddenly forming on her lips.
Pi seemed to be struck speechless at the question.
Did he?
“So?” His voice seemed to come out slower than usual. Not really sure if that was a mistake or not.
Hye tried to hide her excitement, fearing it would make Pi retreat into his shell for sure.
“I’ve never really heard you say her name before. It’s like you were making an effort before not to, you know, be too familiar with her. And I seem to recall hearing you say it twice now.”
“It’s just her name, Hye,” he suddenly snapped, looking a bit confused. Confused at the way his stomach is flip-flopping right now. It’s a non-issue. So why is he acting like this?
“We have much progress, huh?” She noticed the way he clenched his jaw. “So, you guys are on first name basis now? That is so cute! So she’s not calling you ‘Kabugi’ anymore?”
Pi was feeling a headache swelling. “No, we’re not. Don’t make things up according to your deluded sense of-“
She gave a laugh stopping Pi. He glared at her, averting his gaze. Deluded? She’s deluded? No way. Not when she is staring straight at a face that’s looking so guilty, confused and downright indignant. Which is all the more adorable because she knows he isn’t used to this; so it’s making her all the more giddy that he can feel all those when it came to her teasing him about Mao. He’s feeling all those when it came to her…
“So you’re not calling her Mao? But you would like to, right…?”
Pi’s narrowed eyes snapped to her. She better stop this.
“Did you know she seemed a little affected I was checking you out?” Hye divulged, as if it was some big secret.
Something changed in his expression and his hand shot to his tie, looking as if he suddenly wants to loosen it. Hye’s face lit up at that and before she could point her conclusion out, Mao’s voice behind stopped her.
“Hye?” Mao asked, mild confusion on her face. Her eyes went back and forth the two of them. “I was wondering where you went. What are you guys doing here…?”
“I was just trying to talk to him,” Hye said without hesitation. She looked back at Pi, giving a smile. His expression was closed. And then in a faux whisper to Mao, “You were right, his attitude really isn’t all that.”
Mao’s lips twitched, but her eyes were still trying to figure them out. Hye then loudly said they should go back to their table. Mao told her to go ahead; she needs the washroom. She forgot Pi was still standing there and paused in her step. Their gazes locked. The look she saw in them added more to her confusion.
“Is someone inside?” She then managed to say.
He gave a shake of his head. She then went ahead, brushing past him, feeling his eyes following her. Maybe it was all in her mind. She glanced back to see; he had already turned to go. A small crease formed between her brows. She gave a mental shake of her head and pushed the door in front of her.
“Wu Zun’s asking to talk tomorrow.”
Jun put down his glass of wine. Their waiter was handing him the menu. He took it as Ohno checked his phone once again when a message came in.
“Good. They should know how we feel about the fact that they’re adding more to the ridiculous rumors.”
They know perfectly well he was setting them up. They were genuinely disconcerted when news of Aaron Yan and his men’s bodies were found. They were the last known to have any encounter with the group. That was convenient. But what was more disturbing was when a conclusion about their deaths started to form in their minds. He and Ohno had looked at each other then. Would Wu Zun really kill his own just to set this trap?
Ohno placed his phone down on table. “They’re counting on the fact rumors have a lot of weight on people. But without any evidence of our hand in Aaron Yan and his men’s death, they have nothing on us. Though we still have to control all these talks, it’s not doing us any good.”
“At least there’s a tiny glimmer of hope he made the first move to reach us.” Jun gave a grimace at that, feeling far from it. The man can’t be trusted.
Ohno gave a shake of his head and reached for his glass. “Have you talked to Da Ge?”
“I’ve already left a message with him. I’ll probably be able to talk to him later in the day.”
“Here’s to wishing he knows what Wu Zun’s next move will be.”
Jun agreed, turning back to the menu. Wu Zun obviously knows his Da Ge will be involved in this. That’s who his real target is all along. They were just pawns in this game of his.
The problem was; how far is he really willing to go in this plan of his?
Mao pulled off her earphones and stretched, leaning back against her chair. She smiled down at a drawing of a hedgehog in front of her; a part of a new project “A Meeting at the Zoo” they’ve discussed earlier in the week. She asked the kids to draw what animals they would like to portray. They then would be making simple costumes based on their choices. She had merged her class with Mei Jie’s since she took a leave of absence to take care of Lun Ge. At least that would cover the hole their sensei’s absence is bound to make. Along with them, she wishes for her to be back soon.
She had relayed all this to her jie when she visited them at the hospital in the afternoon. The idea excited her. She seemed to be getting her cheerfulness back; Lun Ge had been doing good. The condition of his hand was still weighing down on them though… But Lun Ge has been back to making a few cold jokes and the visit had helped in lifting all their moods further.
Her hands went to her shoulders, rubbing them as her gaze absently strayed to the paper plane atop her books. Events from this morning played in her head again involuntarily. The slight confusion she feels coming back to her. Why is she thinking about that again? About Hye and Pi in that corner… Talking…
She raked a hand through her hair and it landed in a mess. She should just stop. So what if they were talking? It’s ridiculous; why would that affect her? But the way Hye gave him that smile… It was as if they were already sharing a private joke… Was that chemistry she saw between them? He wasn’t that approachable when it came to her…
She instantly snatched up her pencil and shook her head; her hair falling all over her shoulders. Why is she contemplating chemistry? Besides, she’s never been really good at chemistry. An exasperated scoff came out of her as she looked up the ceiling. Why is she making bad jokes to herself right now?
What is this she’s feeling? It doesn’t make any sense. She thought about how Hye had insisted Pi stay with them, she was buying him coffee. Pi looked like he’d rather be somewhere else but she voiced out that wouldn’t be such a bad idea. He’d taken a seat at the table behind them. She remembered the way Pi’s eyes were on Hye when she was talking to Ji Hoon. It looked like he wasn’t happy about something. He must have noticed her eyes had been on him and had looked back at his coffee. His actions…
Why can’t she just stop thinking about it?
She jumped when her phone rang. Silently thankful for interrupting her in her inexplicable musings.
“Hye?” She greeted. She paused. “I’m at the orphanage right now.”
“Oh, are you busy? I was looking for a drinking buddy. You up for it? Got a couple of wine bottles here.” She could imagine her smiling on the other end.
A drink? That will be good. She needs to unwind for a bit, something she’s slowly forgetting to do. And the stress had seriously scrambled her brain right now.
“Sure. Where are you? I’ll meet you there.”
“Actually, maybe you know a better place we can crash and enjoy these.”
Mao pursed her lips, her eyes going to the windows. Suddenly struck with an idea, a smile was slowly emerging on her lips.
“Yeah, I think I do.”
“Um… What were we saying again?”
Mao scrunched her face up.
There was a pregnant pause.
“I don’t really know.”
Giggles burst out from their lips. Mao’s foot connected with one of the empty bottles and it rolled across the floor. Hye tried to stop her giggling as she took the second wine bottle planted between the two of them. Mao leaned her head back against the wall and finished the contents of her glass. Both girls burst into another fit of giggles over nothing. Hye raised the wine bottle up, announcing it was empty. She turned to her side and looked inside the canvas bag for the third and last bottle.
Mao looked around the old classroom with a tipsy smile playing on her lips. Chairs and tables were piled high on the other end. They were in the older part of the lot; just behind the main building. When Hye asked where they could crash, she had suddenly remembered the times during high school when she and Aiba will be sneaking off from class to the abandoned greenhouse with a few beers in hand. Just because they can get away with it. Of course, their party will always be crashed by Jun, knowing their favorite haunt. The memory for once didn’t feel that much unbearable to think about… They’ve shared so much together… She doesn’t want to force herself to deny that anymore… They were a part of her…
She heard the pop of a cork and was pulled back to the present. She gave a serene smile as Hye signaled for her to put her glass out and she poured her some more wine. Hye put down the bottle and snapped her fingers excitedly.
“I remember what we were talking about,” she said, smiling widely. “I think you were asking- or was it me- Anyway, someone was asking who we’d prefer between Sam and Dean.”
Mao drained her new glass and wiped her lips with the back of her hand, her eyes bright and her face a little redder. “Oh, yeah… And whose answer was what?”
Hye stuck her tongue out in thought. “I think I’m for Sam. You chose Dean. I have a thing for the tall and lean types.”
She gave a light chuckle before sipping her wine. Mao gave a sage nod of her head and giggled, not really sure why she picked Dean. “What about me?”
“Bad boys?” Hye pointed at her, grinning.
Mao thought about it, tapping her empty glass gently on her chin. “Yeah, maybe you have a point.”
She gave a shake of her head and chuckled. Hye was observing her from the corner of her eye, somehow having an idea who she was thinking about now. She looked at the glass and formed her question casually.
“Have you ever been in love, Mao?”
Mao’s head turned to her, suddenly aware that Hye’s voice had turned serious and sincere. Hye met her gaze and smiled with her eyes. The shadow of a sad smile appeared on her lips as she thought of the man she had loved.
“Once…” Her quiet reply came.
Hye’s gaze grew somber.
“What’s his name? Who was he?”
“Jun… He’s someone I’m trying to forget.”
Hye inclined her head to the side, shooting her a quizzical look.
“It’s a long story,” Mao said. “I’ll tell you all about it, but tonight… Let’s just giggle about everything and anything, shall we?”
Hye nodded her head, raising her glass up, showing her understanding. She looked hesitant for a second but dove on anyway. “Just one more question, is it working? You, trying to forget him…”
Mao honestly didn’t know the answer. “I’m still not sure about that…”
And then to her horror, something flashed across her mind. An image of Pi. She grabbed the wine bottle and poured herself something to help her maybe forget about that. But she probably shouldn’t be panicking. It’s just because he once said he’ll help her forget… And he did help her, at some point… She sipped her wine, wishing her mind was back to not thinking about anything and just giggling at their shoes or something…
Hye’s small giggle then reached her ears. She seemed like she was bursting from her desire to get something off her chest. And it looked like she had been keeping it in all night.
“I got the lawyer’s number. Ji Hoon.” She could still see the blush creeping up her cheek despite the effects of the wine.
Mao ‘ooooh-ed’ and excitement for Hye filled her. Suddenly the wine’s effects were all coming back to her. “I didn’t want to impose anything on you but you guys looked really cute, you know? So did he call you?”
“Mao, it was just this morning,” Hye reminded, laughing.
“What’s that got to do with anything? He should make his move already. Why prolong it? He might lose his chance! You are the catch here, not him,” Mao giggled.
“I know,” Hye joked, giving her hair an airy flip.
Mao laughed and then a bright idea came to her. “Why don’t you call him?”
“What, like right now? No, he should call me first.”
“Fine. If you don’t get any sleep tonight, don’t complain to me. I won’t be up.”
Hye stuck her tongue out at her while Mao reached for the wine bottle. “But, what do you think of him? I mean, what’s he like?”
“I honestly don’t know much about him. Just that he’s a great lawyer, other than that… Though you guys seemed to hit it off. I think that’s what’s important.” Mao gave a smile as she put the bottle down. She took a sip of wine and casually finished, “I actually thought you were interested in Pi at first.”
Hye’s glass stopped halfway from her mouth, noticing the look on Mao’s face. She wouldn’t think that if… Laughter mixed with giggles came out of her.
“Him? No, no, no. You got it all wrong,” Hye then said, trying to hide her amusement at the fact Mao seemed really clueless at what’s going on with her right now. She felt for her a bit; she and Pi really are something. She could just pinch them for being too cute.
“And it doesn’t have anything to do with my choice, but I don’t think he would be interested in me.”
“Why not?”
Her being loyally indignant for her made Hye slide over to her, put her arm across her shoulders and gave her a semi-hug.
“You are too cute!”
Mao laughed at the pinched expression on her face and she mimicked her.
“You really don’t know why?” Hye then asked her.
Mao gave a slight frown at her. There was a playful glint in her eye.
“So, are you ready to play dare? To add a little excitement to the night.”
Mao stared at her for a moment and then laughed out loud, suddenly all giggly and high. Hye was asking her what it was, if there was something on her face. Mao was just so glad to be back to being silly and just do the most random stuff.
“Okay, I want you to call Pi right now and ask him to come over and have a drink!”
That stopped her laughter instantly.
“W-What? Why? I don’t even know where he is. He didn’t come with us back here. Can we do something a little more original? Like asking me to graffiti some walls or- or throw toilet paper around or something.”
“Original. Yeah.” Hye raised a brow at her ideas. She then started searching the pockets of Mao’s cardigan for her phone. Mao was pushing her hands away, somehow triggering another laughing fit. “You are going to call him right now. Tell him you were just thinking about him.”
“What?” Mao was almost breathless from laughing. “I wasn’t-“
Hye cheered triumphantly when she managed to pull out her phone before she could be stopped.
“What’s his name? Pi? Kabugi?” Hye looked cross-eyed as she checked her contacts.
“Stop.” Mao tried to snatch the phone away. She didn’t know why she couldn’t seem to stop laughing. Her heart was going into overdrive right now. Somehow a part of her didn’t mind though…
Hye shushed her, catching her hands, attempting to stop them from taking her phone away. She slid away, giggling as Mao tried to pull her back to her. But the laughing was getting in the way of that.
The giggles continued as they tried to play catch on the floor.
“What the hell, Pi?”
Pi looked away from the fierce glare Sho was directing at him right now.
“Aaron Yan ends up dead and you don’t find it necessary to tell me Matsumoto may have something to do with it?” Sho was clearly trying not to step from behind his desk and shake him by the collar.
“Matsumoto has nothing to do with that.”
“Oh, so you know this because you know everything that’s going on in that house. It’s interesting that I don’t hear anything from you when the time calls for it!”
“Look, I know you want to get Matsumoto. But pinning murders that has nothing to do with him is not the way.”
“I’m not trying to pin anything on anyone.” Sho’s jaw tightened. “We could have had a lead in this if you had given the information that Matsumoto had went to see him. Maybe it wouldn’t have ended this way if we had been there-“
“There’s clearly something bigger behind this. Whatever we could have done wouldn’t have been able to stop this. Whatever this is, it’s on Wu Zun’s side. You can start from there.”
“What is it you’re not telling me, Pi?” Sho suddenly leveled with him, observing him closely. More than the fact that a huge issue had just broken out under his nose, he was more worried about his friend.
“What do you mean? Look, I made a mistake-“
“Somehow, I feel your priorities aren’t what they used to be. Do you still want to get Matsumoto?”
Pi frowned at that question. Sho’s look was unnerving. Like he’s figured something out that he was trying hard not to acknowledge.
“Of course I want to get Matsumoto. Why do you think I risked getting in their group?”
“I don’t doubt you started with that in mind, but now… You really haven’t been giving me anything concrete, Pi.”
“I seem to recall you’ve had a few successful busts-“
“I don’t think having you inside helps in any way anymore. Maybe it’s time to get out of there and-“
“What?” Pi was caught off guard at the panic that suddenly rose in his chest. He can’t pull out. Not just yet. “You can’t honestly think that.”
Sho was frowning at him. “Something just doesn’t feel right. What is going on with you? You seem to be distracted lately. And I found a problem in Ji Yong’s report.”
Pi’s eyes snapped to him. Problem? He made sure that damn lollipop was off everytime he knows he has a chance of being in a compromising situation. What problem could Ji Yong have heard?
“The bug is almost never on, Pi. That wasn’t really the point of having that with you.” Sho seemed to be trying hard not to grit his teeth in irritation.
“Lay it out, Sho. You don’t trust me.”
“I’m concerned for you! I don’t have any idea what’s going on with you inside. But it’s clear something’s just off with you these days.” Sho was trying to justify what he’s doing. If he doesn’t do anything about it, there’s no way he’d know what’s really going on with him.
Before he could react, the phone in his breast pocket rang. Sho shook his head and gave a sigh as Pi took it out. He frowned at the name on the screen.
“I really need to take this. In fact, I have to go,” Pi then told Sho, already walking backwards to the door. “Next time maybe we could do this on the phone. Coming here is too risky.”
Sho didn’t need to know there is an extra reason he should be careful now. The reason being Ohno is starting to get suspicious of him. For different reasons. For reasons he’d rather not let Sho know.
He turned around, his hand on the doorknob when Sho’s next words stopped him.
“I wanted to see the look on your face when you try to convince me everything’s fine. I didn’t see what I hoped to see.”
Pi’s lips formed into a cheeky smile and he turned to look at Sho. “The stress is making you into a worry wart, Sho. A much bigger and nastier worry wart. I gotta go. Just know everything is fine.”
He didn’t wait for Sho’s reply and yanked the door open. He stepped out and his phone stopped ringing. He looked down at it. Seconds later, she was calling again. Glad that no one was around their department right now, he picked up, suddenly feeling nervous.
There was no sound from the other line. A yelp suddenly came like someone’s been pinched. Giggles came next.
“He already knows it’s you. Say something already.” Hye. Hye was with her. What are they doing?
Giggling again. This time they belonged to her.
“What is it?” Pi asked, glancing back to see if anyone was coming in. Hoping Sho wouldn’t suddenly think of coming out of his office.
“Where are you right now?” Her voice was different. Shy almost…
“I’m… Is everything okay?”
More giggles. Okay…
“You’ve been drinking.” It wasn’t a question.
“Want to join us- me?” There seems to be a struggle on the other end. He could hear Hye laughing giddily.
There was a pause. Like somebody was coaching her what she should say. “I was just… thinking about you and you know… so, can you come over here right now? Let’s have a drink.”
There were no giggles this time. A nervous chuckle came from her instead.
“He’s not answering,” he then heard her tell Hye, her words slightly slurring.
Footsteps suddenly sounded behind him; Koyama and Massu had stepped in, guffawing and joking around loudly.
“I’ll be there.”
“Pi!” Koyama cheered upon seeing him. And then started, “Hey man, that’s a new expression on you.”
Pi pocketed his phone, ignored him and started to go while they asked him to stay for a while more. He didn’t seem to hear them and he was out the door.
The door creaked open and he looked around the dimly lit room. He could hear the soft giggles somewhere in the middle and the steady murmur of voices. He stepped in, carefully shutting the door. It made a sound and this time he was heard.
“Pi!” Hye said in all familiarity.
The two women were giggling again. What is it with them? Pi slowly made his way towards them. Three bottles of wine were on the floor and all three looked empty to him. Those weren’t the only ones on the floor. There sat the two, leaning against the wall, looking slightly red and truly happy about something.
“Hi…” Mao gave him a little tipsy smile. He tried not to think about the thing he was thinking about when she aimed that at him.
“We seem to have depleted our supply of these giggle-inducing wines,” Hye announced unabashed.
Yeah, more giggles. Again.
Hye had a hand over her mouth; her eyes darting to and from the two of them. She should just leave the two of them to sort whatever it is out. She looked at two again. At Pi’s frown and Mao’s serene smile. Definitely, she should go.
“I need to use the ladies’. So if you’ll excuse me… I won’t be back for a while,” she whispered not-so-subtly as she stood up. She went past Pi and avoided his eyes, humming a little tune, her steady feet taking her. Pi’s narrowed glare followed her out the door. He then turned back to her, who was starting to get up.
“We were playing dare,” she offered as if she heard someone asking the question.
Pi stood there, torn between going over to her and helping her up and telling her that she should leave him out of their game. He didn’t like the things he heard over the phone. Not one bit. It was giving him that uncomfortable feeling in his stomach again. And it was growing by the minute.
“Let’s just get you home.”
She pushed her hair out of her face, leaning against the wall, now standing. “You know, I think maybe we should have had some food with the wine. But it has been a while I’ve loosened up like this.”
“You’re just tipsy, not drunk. So I can get you home without trouble.”
Her eyes went to him and focused on him. “All those things I said-“
“Yes, a dare. I heard. We’ll just wait for Miss Hye and-“
“They were what I wanted to say. Well, some of them, I think. One of them?” She was looking thoughtful. Her mouth in a little pout.
Something inside him was doing that flip-flopping thing again.
“Like what?” His throat seemed to be tightening. He indicated to the empty wine bottles. “You wanted to have a drink with me?”
“No,” Mao said, looking serious. “That I was thinking about you.”
He seemed to have frozen at that.
“Why?” He didn’t seem to be able to think of other words right now. Does he know other words?
“I was wondering… if you’re the one who can help me forget.”
He gave a swallow. That uncomfortable feeling was now in every fiber of his being. “So, you want to use me again to forget. No problem. What do you want to do?”
“You know, that-“
She took a step forward, lost her footing. He was immediately at her side, steadying her. She looked up at him; his arms were around her. He seemed to have caught himself; he took away his hands as if burned. She seemed to have noticed this. Before he could step away, her hands shot out. To his surprise, she held on to the front of his suit. Just lightly.
Their gazes locked. She seemed just as surprised as him at the forward gesture. But she never let go nor did he step back.
“That ‘using each other’ part, do you really believe that?”
“Maybe we should go now.” With the dark room, the close proximity to her, with her looking a little flushed… He wasn’t so sure anymore.
“Do you?” Her eyes searched his face for the answer.
“Yes.” His ears were pounding. He stopped himself from closing his eyes to will himself to believe that.
“I don’t… I don’t think I believe it…”
He couldn’t tear his gaze away from her. Something in them was telling him to draw closer. But he had to keep his head together, no matter how crazy his heart was pounding right now.
She looked down at her hands. He felt one of them moving up, sliding towards his chest. Almost just hovering, her fingers slightly grazing the material of his suit to his shirt. He swallowed convulsively; it’s as if his skin was slightly heating up. Her hand then stopped. She looked up at him for a second, feeling his hammering heart. His breath caught when she suddenly moved closer. She turned her head, leaning her ear just ever so slightly against his heartbeat.
“Neither do you…”
She pulled away, her eyes going back to lock with his. She felt a weakening inside her as his gaze slowly grew intense. For the first time, those dark orbs were now looking at her with heart wrenching vulnerability, mixed with an uncertain hope; as if he didn’t dare think all this was really happening. That she was right in front of him. He took a step closer, their bodies just inches apart. His head was slowly leaning down, his gaze flicking to her lips for a breath’s moment and back to her eyes.
Her heart hammered inside her, feeling as if it was going to burst out any minute. She angled her head up, her hands curling on his suit, as if anticipating that moment… That moment when… She could feel his heartbeat mirroring hers. She couldn’t feel his hands on her but she could feel him entirely, the slow heat radiating from him…
The sound of the door opening and Hye’s voice broke the moment. She had missed the scene where they instantly pulled apart; distracted by the search for a lip-gloss in her purse. Mao leaned against the wall, her hands on her stomach looking breathless. Her eyes went to him and he looked like he had just been punched in the stomach. They both looked away when their eyes met.
“What happened?” Hye asked, a little clueless, but by the way she was observing them, it was only a matter of seconds that she will come up with her own conclusions.
Mao’s head snapped to her. “N-Nothing. What could happen in five minutes?”
“I’ll just- I’ll just be… outside,” Pi then said, looking a little lost. His feet immediately moved towards the door, not meeting anyone’s eyes.
Hye’s lips turned into a small smile as she watched Mao turn around, picking up the empty wine bottles, chattering away, saying just about anything just so Hye wouldn’t ask any further questions. Hye listened to her unspoken request and didn’t push the situation. She’s got her answer already anyway.
Something’s definitely happened…
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